
Mabu overview


Mabu (pinyin: mǎ bù), also known as buja, is a single-reed gas-sounding instrument unique to the Yi people, popular in Congjiang County and Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County.

In Yi language, "horse" means bamboo, and "cloth" means reed pipe, which means a bamboo air-sounding instrument with a reed pipe inserted.

Mabu's tone is crisp and melodious, full of field flavor. Although the shape is similar to the small suona, the tone is rounder and softer than that of the small suona, very close to the high-pitched tone of the oboe of Western instruments, and brighter. Often used in solo, ensemble or accompaniment for singing and dancing, it is a distinctive and expressive instrument. Mabu's playing skills are more difficult, and some fast and complex pieces require more skilled playing skills.

  • type:clarinet air musical instrument
  • nickname:Boujah
  • Pinyin:mǎ bù
  • popular area:Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province
  • nationality:Yi people

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