
Shuanglelang operating guide

Shuanglelang is a double-reed gas-sounding instrument of the Buyi nationality. It is popular in Zhenfeng, Wangmo, Ceheng, and Luodian, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Guizhou Province. When playing Shuanglelang, place the tube body vertically, hold the two tube bodies with both hands, press the lower two holes of the double tube horizontally with the inde...
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Shuanglelang is a double-reed gas-sounding instrument of the Buyi nationality. It is popular in Zhenfeng, Wangmo, Ceheng, and Luodian, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Guizhou Province. The shape of the Shuanglelang is the same as that of the Bouyei single-tube Lelang, which is formed by tying two Lelangs with the same length, thickness and pitch side by s...
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