Xijin Primary School in Ningguo City: The intangible cultural heritage Konghou lights up the after-school time of primary school

122 views · Organized by 孤勇者 on 2022-05-17

In Xijin Elementary School in Ningguo City, every time after school, soft and clear string music is always played. This unique sound comes from an ancient musical instrument with a history of more than 2,000 years - the Konghou.

Under the guidance of teachers, the students of Xijin Elementary School traveled through time and space to perceive the charm of traditional Chinese culture and inherit the national skills by learning Konghou performance.

"Wu Si, Shutong, Zhang Gaoqiu, the empty mountains and clouds are stagnant. Jiang E sings the bamboo and the girl is worried, and Li Ping plays the Konghou in China." The Konghou is a traditional musical instrument, but the playing skills have been lost for hundreds of years. In recent decades, under the research of musicians and instrument makers, the wonderful rhythm of Konghou has reappeared in the world. At present, there are very few performers in the country who master Konghou playing skills.

The province's first campus Konghou club - "Ningguo Xijin Primary School Konghou Dolls Group" was established in 2019, inviting Konghou inheritors living in Ningguo to enter the campus to teach students skills. The school selects students from the first and second grades every semester. After passing the interview, they enter the club and start classes. There is one class per week and one assessment per semester. Since then, the culture of Konghou, an intangible cultural heritage ancient musical instrument, has begun to take root and sprout among primary school students in Xijin. More and more children have also embarked on the road of inheriting and spreading the art of Konghou through this society.

In this campus, the "star clubs" in the eyes of children and parents include not only the Konghou club, but also handball, basketball, cucurbit flute, sports dance and other clubs. Since the school launched after-school services in 2019, it has paid special attention to the development of personalized after-school services, with more than 30 interest clubs set up every semester.

In order to meet the special needs of some students to develop their interests and specialties, on the basis of making full use of the school's existing teachers, the school has introduced qualified non-disciplinary off-campus training institutions or third-party professional forces such as social professionals and groups to participate in the art development. , sports, technology and other personalized after-school services. It reduces the burden on parents and develops students’ interests and specialties. Students participating in competitions through these platforms have won honors for the school. According to reports, the school's handball team won the first prize in the traditional handball school competition for primary school students in Anhui Province last year; Chen Lin, a student of Konghou Club, also appeared on the CCTV International Channel column, showing the beauty of intangible cultural heritage to the whole country; The children were invited to participate in the recording of the "June 1 Children's Art Festival" program of China Education TV; the campus chorus won the first prize in the Xuancheng competition last year...

"Xijin Primary School is a century-old school with rich historical and cultural heritage. What we need to do is not limited to organizing community activities, but also hope to transform the advantages of historical and cultural resources into the advantages of school aesthetic education, enhance cultural self-confidence, and solidly integrate the 'double The reduction policy is well implemented, and the five educations are truly realized." Principal Gu Qingguo said.

Involving musical instruments

Konghou (pinyin: kōnghóu) Konghou (also known as Konghou or Kanhou) is an ancient Chinese traditional stringed musical instrument, which originated in the Han Dynasty, but fell out of fashion after the 14th century and gradually disappeared.

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