Celebrating the National Day Guqin Cultural Exchange Meeting was held at the Flower Garden of Mayu City in the Flower Expo Garden

97 views · Organized by 赵锦辛 on 2022-09-20

Surrounded by flowers, the quaint sound of the guqin and the clear and elegant rhythm dispel the unbearable sultry heat of the night. On the evening of September 17, 2022, the "Welcome to the National Day Guqin Cultural Exchange Conference", hosted by the Fujian Cultural Volunteer Association Haisi Qindao School, co-organized by Qinghuan Guqin Museum, Mayucheng Huayuan, and Cixin Group, was held at the Flower Expo. Garden Mayu City Flower Fringe was held. Liu Zongli, executive vice president and secretary general of Fujian Cultural Volunteer Association, attended and delivered a speech.

Celebrating the National Day Guqin Cultural Exchange Meeting was held at the Flower Garden of Mayu City in the Flower Expo Garden

The event started a poetic journey in the guqin performance of "Pingsha Falling Wild Goose". This song borrowed the far-reaching aspirations of the geese to write the mind of a Yi Shi; the second song is "High Mountains and Flowing Water", which is a vast ocean and rushing water. "The Fairy Weng Cao", "Shuanghe Listening to the Spring" by Yi Ran, the quiet and peaceful "Yunshui Zen Heart"; as well as the free and unrestrained "Drinking Crazy", Yi Gu Lian can't bear to part with friends "Yangguan Sandie" , "Feng Qiuhuang", the mournful and moving "Autumn Wind Ci" and the sad and sad "Xiang Fei's Resentment"; and Zhuge Kongming's "Wolong Yin" expressing his aspirations, Yue Fei's soul-stirring "Jingzhong Ci" , "Guan Shanyue", which describes the soldiers on the frontier who are far away from their relatives to fight on the battlefield; the performance of the guqin is also interspersed with the students' talent show pas de deux and poetry recitation; the party ends with the climax of Mr. Chen Denan's guqin performance of the modern music "Three Gorges Boat Song". The famous Guqin songs with different charms were performed brilliantly in turn, which made the audience deeply feel the great charm of Guqin art.

This Guqin exchange activity has created a strong atmosphere for the celebration of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the National Day, further promoting the excellent traditional culture, allowing more people to understand the Guqin and the history and culture contained in the Guqin, and promote the continuous flow of Chinese excellent traditional culture. inheritance and development. During the guqin performance, we witnessed the wonderful performance of the children of Haisi Qindao School. They also have an identity - the little volunteers of the Fujian Provincial Cultural Volunteer Association. They are the main force in promoting the development of the intangible cultural heritage of the guqin. There is a long way to go to carry forward the traditional Chinese culture, and we see the hope of "talented people from generation to generation" from the children.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Guqin (pinyin: Gǔ Qín) is a traditional Chinese musical instrument with a history of at least 3,500 years. Guqin is also known as Yaoqin, Yuqin and Seven-stringed Qin. The guqin has 13 emblems that mark the rhythm, and is also a ritual and musical instrument. It belongs to the silk in the octave. Guqin has a wide range, deep timbre and long aftertone.

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