Shichahai Morning: Dialogue between Erhu and Morning light

30 views · Organized by 一口泡芙 on 2024-07-29

"Shichahai Morning" is an Erhu solo song full of poetry and painting, composed and performed by Jia Pengfang, a famous contemporary erhu player. The song not only shows the unique charm of the Erhu, but also makes people feel as if they are in the peace and beauty of the morning in Shichahai, Beijing. Next, we will enjoy this wonderful Erhu famous song together.

Shichahai Morning: Dialogue between Erhu and Morning light

Background of works

Located in the Xicheng district of Beijing, Shichahai is a body of water with a long history and is surrounded by many ancient temples and monuments. Once part of an imperial garden, it is now a popular place for Beijing residents to enjoy themselves. "Shichahai Morning" is created as inspiration, through the melody of Erhu outline a beautiful picture of Shichahai in the early morning.

Feature of track

The melody of "Shichahai Morning" is beautiful, fresh and refined, and the unique timbre and expression techniques of Erhu give this song a unique charm. Jia Pengfang skillfully used glissando, vibrato and other skills when playing, making the whole piece full of traditional Erhu music features, without losing the agility of modern music.

Emotional expression

The beginning of the song is soft and delicate, like the quiet and gentle dawn; Then the melody unfolds gradually, as if the sun rises and everything revives. There are deep emotions in Jia Pengfang's performance. Every bow and every strumming seems to tell the history and story of Shichahai, and people are immersed in a distant and quiet mood.

Performance skill

When Jia Pengfang played "Shichahai Morning", he fully demonstrated his exquisite skills in erhu performance. He uses a variety of playing techniques, such as rapid bow connection, delicate string kneading and expressive strong and weak changes, to bring the Erhu sound into full play, so that the audience can feel the emotion and story contained in the music.

"Shichahai Morning" is not only a wonderful Erhu solo, but also a vivid musical picture. Through Jia Pengfang's performance, the beauty and tranquility of Shichahai in the morning were passed to every audience. This piece of music is not only an inheritance of traditional Chinese culture, but also a perfect example of the integration of modern musical art and ancient instruments.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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