2023 Tianjin 4th Guzheng Art Festival: Into the Chinese music, into the Guzheng

223 views · Organized by 阿轺 on 2023-12-11

On December 10, 2023, the fourth Guzheng Art Festival in Tianjin was held to pay tribute to traditional Chinese guzheng music and explore the deep combination of guzheng music art and contemporary music aesthetic expression.

2023 Tianjin 4th Guzheng Art Festival: Into the Chinese music, into the Guzheng

The event was held by the Guzheng Professional Committee of Tianjin Musicians Association, and was jointly submitted by hundreds of Guzheng music education practitioners to promote traditional Chinese national music, so that the audience could walk into the guzheng. At the festival, more than 1,000 guzheng music lovers actively participated, and a number of famous guzheng players and emerging young talents were specially invited to contribute an audio-visual feast for the general public of Tianjin.

At the festival, a series of traditional guzheng pieces, such as "Spring to Xiangjiang" and "Spring Dawn on Snowy Mountains", were incorporated into the piano or orchestral accompaniment, allowing the guzheng to make a deeper expression of contemporary music aesthetics. These pieces not only show the charm of the guzheng as a traditional Chinese instrument, but also show the integration of diverse cultures. Especially eye-catching are "Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival" and "Flow", which won warm applause from the audience with their deep cultural connotation and beautiful melody.

In addition to the traditional repertoire, the festival also showcased some innovative works, such as the guzheng adaptation of Power Under Heaven, which shows the magnificence of ancient China with its unique style and deep historical flavor. At the festival, Professor Lin Ling, doctoral supervisor of the China Conservatory of Music, presented awards to outstanding contestants.

Zhang Meiyan, director of Tianjin Musicians Association and director of the Guzheng Special Committee, said: This year's Guzheng Art Festival is not only a feast of music, but also a platform for Tianjin guzheng lovers to communicate and display, and the confidence of national art is rooted in the hearts of children.

Guzheng learning quickly, the timbre is very beautiful, known as "the king of eastern instruments". Zhang Meiyan said, "We found that the age span of guzheng fans is getting wider and wider, the youngest contestant in this year's Guzheng Festival is only 4 years old, and there are many elderly people learning guzheng on weekdays." Professor Lin Ling led her doctoral and graduate students to dedicate wonderful songs at the art festival, and the children saw such a high-level performance, and the enthusiasm of learning Guzheng was even stronger. We also hope that through such activities, the guzheng as a national essence can be more widely disseminated and recognized, promote the inheritance and development of guzheng art, promote the overall popularization and improvement of guzheng art in the city, and hope to promote the overall improvement of guzheng teaching and playing level through the competition."

Involving musical instruments

Guzheng (pinyin: Gǔ Zhēng), also known as Hanzheng and Qinzheng, is an ancient national musical instrument of the Han nationality and is popular all over China. It is often used for solo, duet, instrumental ensemble and accompaniment of song and dance, opera and folk art. Because of its wide range, beautiful timbre, rich playing skills and strong expressiveness, it is known as the "King of Music", also known as "Oriental Piano", and is one of the unique and important national musical instruments in China.

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