Organized by 秋色 on 2024-07-27
As a famous guzheng song that has been around for a long time, "Upstairs" not only shows the exquisite skills of the guzheng, but also contains profound literary implications and emotional expression. Like a dynamic ink painting, "Upstairs" leads the audience into a music world full of poetry and imagination.
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Organized by 苏肆 on 2024-07-27
In the long history of Chinese traditional music, Guzheng, as a very representative instrument, has carried the feelings and dreams of countless literati. Among them, with its unique charm and far-reaching cultural connotation, "Purple Bamboo Melody" has become a bright pearl in the repertoire of guzheng, leading the audience to enter the piece full of poetic and picturesque Jiangnan water town.
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凉凉月色 - 2 views
Organized by 汤圆 on 2024-07-27
Shark people's song, Deli hot ba Ren Jialun interpretation of beautiful love.
阿弥 - 5 views
Organized by 卷鹅 on 2024-07-26
On the evening of July 25, the second "Guoyun Cup" national instrumental music Art Exhibition was successfully concluded in Zhenhai, Ningbo.
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雨童 - 9 views
Organized by 一杯清酒 on 2024-07-26
The score is a guzheng score, adapted by zither speaker Wakabayashi in "Half-Born Snow".
小埋 - 9 views
Organized by 夏浩东 on 2024-07-25
In the long river of Chinese national music, "Dream Trace Shahe" is undoubtedly a dazzling pearl. With its unique artistic charm and profound emotional connotation, this song has moved countless listeners. It not only shows the infinite possibilities of the erhu, a traditional instrument, but also builds an imaginative art world through music.
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