Lantern Festival (Erhu)(erhu sheet music)

Organized by 九曲 on 2022-06-13
Lantern Festival (Erhu)(erhu sheet music) Lantern Festival (Erhu)(erhu sheet music) Lantern Festival (Erhu) is organized by 九曲 on 2022-06-13,You can use Erhu to play; Through the music score provided by us, you will be able to master it skillfully and become a member of everyone.
The piece integrates Henan opera, Yue tune, Qu opera and other local opera materials, and uses single finger strumming to simulate the sound of gongs, and imitates suona playing with rough and unrestrained melody, expressing the noisy and festive atmosphere of the Lantern Festival. Incisively and vividly.
Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.


Organized by 夏浩东 on 2024-07-25
In the long river of Chinese national music, "Dream Trace Shahe" is undoubtedly a dazzling pearl. With its unique artistic charm and profound emotional connotation, this song has moved countless listeners. It not only shows the infinite possibilities of the erhu, a traditional instrument, but also builds an imaginative art world through music.
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Organized by 蕾伊 on 2024-07-24
Among many famous Erhu songs, "Ning Yue", with its unique artistic charm and profound emotional connotation, has become a bright color in the hearts of countless listeners. This paper will discuss the unique features of Ning Yue from three aspects: musical structure, emotional expression and cultural background, and lead readers into the moonlight dream woven by strings.
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Organized by 象牙山首富 on 2024-07-23
"Water Lily" as a famous Erhu song, it Outlines a quiet and profound picture with delicate strokes, so that listeners feel as if they are in the lotus pond in the morning, feeling the peace and harmony of nature.
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Organized by 孤勇者 on 2024-07-02
Recently, the quintessence of national music collection came out - "Chinese Erhu Music book" 20 volumes of new books in Beijing grand release, as the "14th Five-Year Plan" national key planning book, the book is the first large-scale arrangement of the paper inheritance of Erhu art, filling the gap in music publishing in China.
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Organized by 日记里的汤姆 on 2023-12-25
Anyone who studies Erhu knows that rosin is an essential auxiliary material for playing erhu. In modern erhu, rosin is applied to the bow to increase the friction of the bow hair, increase the friction on the strings, so that the erhu makes a normal sound, basically, if the rosin is not properly applied, the friction of the erhu bow on the strings is usually slippery and difficult to make a sound, so it can be said that the auxiliary material of rosin is crucial for the erhu.
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