"Liushou" played by Su Chang, Guzheng

192 views · Organized by 拙 on 2023-03-25

Su Chang's Guzheng performance is from the Guzheng ensemble album Chang Xiang Zheng Group.

Chang Xiang Zheng Group - Guzheng Ensemble Album was officially released by Beijing Global Audio & Video Publishing Co., LTD on June 21, 2022 (Summer Solstice).

Su Chang, associate professor of the Department of Folk Music of the Central Conservatory of Music, is a famous zither performer and the artistic director of Chang Xiang Zither Troupe. The Chang Xiang Zheng Troupe was planned and formed by Su Chang in 2017. The average age of members of the troupe is 18 years old, and the youngest member is 11 years old. It is composed of undergraduates from the Central Conservatory of Music and affiliated High School students. "Chang Xiang Zheng Group - Guzheng Ensemble Album" is a project supported by the Scientific Research Office of the Central Conservatory of Music. It has been published for two years. It is a gift to students on the 5th anniversary of Su Chang Yu Zheng Group. This album, led by teacher Su Chang and 14 students, gathered outstanding composers from all over the country and collected 14 pieces with different styles. It includes traditional music, modern music, transplanted and adapted Western music and original works of students. The Changxiang Zheng Group is committed to carrying forward traditional Chinese culture, showing the charm of the guzheng, and trying to make the Guzheng with a history of more than 2,000 years radiate new style in various forms.

"Glass Error" stone song

"I came from the place, to go to the place, come with coloured glaze heart, with my busy calendar. I come from where I am, but I am going to where I am. The world disturbs people and makes them understand each other." Feeling quiet in the hustle and bustle, seeking the heart in the world, feeling life. Life in the world, should be in line with a glass-like clean and flawless heart.

Involving the artist

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Involving musical instruments

Guzheng (pinyin: Gǔ Zhēng), also known as Hanzheng and Qinzheng, is an ancient national musical instrument of the Han nationality and is popular all over China. It is often used for solo, duet, instrumental ensemble and accompaniment of song and dance, opera and folk art. Because of its wide range, beautiful timbre, rich playing skills and strong expressiveness, it is known as the "King of Music", also known as "Oriental Piano", and is one of the unique and important national musical instruments in China.

Involving news

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In the vast world of traditional Chinese music, Guzheng is unique with its unique timbre and rich expression. Among them, "Pink Lotus" as a popular guzheng repertoire, not only shows the superb skills of guzheng performance, but also conveys the composer's deep understanding of the beauty of nature.
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Organized by 迷雾风暴 on 2024-07-24
As a popular guzheng song, "Butterfly Love" not only carries profound cultural heritage, but also the perfect fusion of emotion and natural beauty. This song describes a romantic picture of butterflies and flowers in spring with delicate brushstrokes, arousing people's yearning for beautiful love and deep understanding of nature.
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Among the treasures of Chinese classical music, Guzheng carries thousands of years of cultural memory with its unique timbre and rich expression. Among many famous guzheng songs, Xiangshan Archdrum has become a widely acclaimed classic for its melodious melody and profound cultural connotation.
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Guzheng, as one of the most representative instruments in Chinese classical music, carries thousands of years of cultural accumulation and artistic charm. In its rich repertoire, Thirty-three Ban, with its unique structure and deep emotional expression, has become a bright pearl in the hearts of guzheng players and lovers. This piece of music not only tests the skill of the performer, but also leads the audience into a musical world full of poetry and philosophy.
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In the bright star of traditional Chinese music, Guzheng occupies a place with its unique timbre and rich expression. Among them, the song "Wild Geese" is like a vivid picture scroll, showing the delicate description and profound perception of the beauty of nature in Chinese classical music.
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