
Erhu operating guide

Today, I would like to introduce to you a few small ways to practice erhu in daily life: 1. Blind pull training Blind pulling is the process of playing the piano, just like practicing computer keyboard typing, try not to stare at the hands with both eyes. Long-term blind-pulling practice can bring several benefits. (1) It is conducive to training the left hand's sense of p...
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Today, I will share with you the six-point method of learning erhu. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's erhu learning. Method 1 to Learn to play the erhu: Arrange the time for practicing the piano reasonably There is no doubt that persistent practice is the basic way to maintain and improve erhu skills. Especially for adults, due to the natural law of rapid function de...
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Intonation is the most basic and most important part of erhu performance. Since the erhu has no fingerboard and taste, it is completely mastered by the player's sense of pitch and understanding of the music, so the requirements for the player's sense of music and intonation are higher than other musical instruments. A player with a very keen sense of pitch will feel uncomfortable when he hears ...
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To learn erhu, you have to practice every day, so what should you practice in the first 20 minutes of piano practice? How to practice? What to start practicing the piano? Certainly most people will say scales, there is no doubt about this. But how to practice scales? I am afraid many people are not particularly clear. Let's take the D key scale as an example to briefly summarize how to pr...
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Today, I will give you a list of "little unilaterals" in erhu learning, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's learning. 1. Seek strength in looseness, use inch strength to exert force, concentrate but not disperse. Strength will be damaged, noise will hurt. The pronunciation is divided into soft and hard, the beginning of the sound is divided into strong and weak, and the fina...
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First of all, one is the problem of the erhu, and the other is the problem of oneself. A new erhu needs a break-in period. After the break-in period, the sound of the erhu will be good, usually about a year. This year or so refers to practicing uninterrupted, and this is just a reference. For an erhu beginner, an erhu of a few hundred dollars is fine, but there will be a g...
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Erhu is: "three points of fingering, seven points of bow strength", in order to play the erhu well, you must first master various skills of bowing. Today, when interpreting the erhu bow, master the methods and skills of "bow strength" and "bow speed" and some matters that should be paid attention to. bow force What is bow power? Bow force is the force with which the bow ha...
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How exactly should our limbs cooperate in the performance of the erhu? Let's talk today. 1. When you see facial expressions and shaking your head in the erhu performance, one is natural, the other is dissonant posturing, and the other is bad habits. Only the body language produced by emotional needs is coordinated, so People can see into the scene. 2. The performer can use...
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Erhu vertical performance is standing and pulling the erhu, which is a familiar erhu playing posture in recent years. This posture is not the whim of any musician, nor the creative idea of any performer, but a playing posture that has accompanied the erhu through nearly a hundred years of history. This kind of posture is for the old folk artists to set off the scenes of silk bamboo festivals an...
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Erhu is one of the bowed stringed instruments in our national musical instruments. It mainly uses the bow hair to rub back and forth on the strings to vibrate the piano tube to produce sound. It began in the Tang Dynasty, and it was not widely spread among the people until the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In previous eras, it was called "Huqin". In modern times, it was renamed Erhu. Many elde...
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