
Jamunian operating guide

Anyone who knows Tibetan music knows that Tibetan playing and singing occupies a very important position in the entire snowy culture. Among the Tibetans, a considerable number of people will play a musical instrument called "Za Nian". Zha Nian's voice is sweet and soft. , especially suitable for lyrical use. Zha Nian is a transliteration of Tibetan. In Tibetan, "Zha" means "sound"...
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Zhanian is one of the representative Tibetan traditional musical instruments with a long history and widespread circulation. It spread to the Tibetan area, and it is very popular in Lazi County. Latse County is known as the "Hometown of Harmony" and is famous all over the world for playing and singing Zha Nian. Zha Nian processing in our county is slightly distributed in the county area. (Lun...
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Jamunian, an ancient Tibetan plucked musical instrument, the following will introduce the playing skills of Jamunian. To play Zhamunian, you can take a standing or sitting position. When playing in a standing position, the player should put the silk or cloth colored strap tied on the piano on the right shoulder, so that the body of the piano is hung diagonally in front of the ches...
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The traditional Jamu year is composed of the resonance box, the headstock, the piano rod, the peg, the horse and the strings, and these parts are also commonly known as the Tibetan folk. Zhamunian is mostly made of mulberry, mahogany, walnut and sandalwood, and mahogany products are the best. The size of the piano body varies, the common ones are 100 cm to 110 cm in length. The...
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