
nasi huqin

Naxi huqin (pinyin: nà xī hú qin) is a bow and stringed musical instrument of the Naxi people. The Naxi people also call it the Dragon Head Huqin and Dahu because of the large size of the dragon head and the qin barrel. The shape is relatively simple, the tone is soft and rich, and it is used in "Baisha fine music" and "Naxi ancient music". Popular in Lijiang Naxi Autonomous County, Yunnan Province.


  • Chinese name:nasi huqin
  • pinyin:nà xī hú qin
  • popular area:Lijiang Naxi Autonomous County, Yunnan Province
  • alias:Dragon head huqin, Dahu
When playing the Naxi Huqin, use the seated position. Place the qin barrel on the left leg, hold the qin in the left hand to press the strings, and hold the ponytail bow in the right hand to play with sticky rosin between the two strings.
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The Naxi Huqin is a bowed and stringed musical instrument of the Naxi people. The Naxi people also call it the Dragon Head Huqin and Dahu because of the large size of the dragon head and the qin barrel. The shape is relatively simple, the tone is soft and rich, and it is used in "Baisha fine music" and "Naxi ancient music". Popular in Lijiang Naxi Autonomous County, Yunnan Province
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