
Yi middle sanxian

The Yi Zhongsanxian (pinyin: yí zú zhōng sān xián) is a plucked stringed musical instrument of the Yi people. It is popular in Lunan Yi Autonomous County, Yiliang and Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, and Luxi in Qujing, Yunnan Province.


  • Chinese name:Yi middle sanxian
  • type:Yi nationality plucked stringed musical instruments
  • popular area:Qujing District, Yunnan Province
  • Pinyin:yí zú zhōng sān xián
When playing the middle sanxian of the Yi nationality, hang the strap on the neck, the qin bar is horizontally in front of the abdomen, the qin barrel is placed on the right side of the waist and crotch, and the head of the qin is inclined to the upper left. The left hand holds the piano and strums the strings, and the right hand plucks and strums the strings.
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The shape is similar to that of the Yi nationality big sanxian, and it is composed of the qin barrel, the headstock, the qin rod, the peg, the qin horse, the tied strings and the qin strings. Specifications and sizes are different, generally the overall length of the piano body is 80 cm to 100 cm.
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