Dahua Chinese Art History

111 views · Organized by 氯化钠 on 2022-03-17
Purchase channel: 大话中国艺术史

overview of works

本书从原始社会的陶器说起,内容涵盖了陶器、玉器、青铜器、草书、行书、山水画、工笔画等多种中国特有的艺术形式,跨越了秦、汉、唐、宋、元、明、清、近代等多个时期。 意公子用她独有的视角,以时间为写作脉络,通过我们耳熟能详的艺术珍品串联起了这波澜壮阔、脉络纵横的艺术历程,配上简洁生动幽默风趣的语言和丰富精美的图片,带领读者重现认识中国艺术的发展脉络,体会中国艺术的精神内涵,感受中国土地独有的艺术色彩。

work details

◆Every sentence has a stalk, read 10,000 years of Chinese art history in one breath

Dahua Chinese Art History

◆The sister chapter of the popular art book "Dahua Western Art History" in 2020, this minimalist art history with stalks is here again!

Dahua Chinese Art History

◆The author has predicted many times, and readers are eagerly looking forward to it. The head of art has unexpected new works from the media. Master Yi will take you to experience 10,000 years of splendid Chinese art

◆Li Bai, Su Shi, Tang Bohu, Wang Xizhi... historical celebrities you are familiar with, art stories you are not familiar with

◆Pottery, jade, bronze, landscape painting, calligraphy... 150 pieces of Chinese art in one book

Primitive art, Bronze Age, Qin and Han art... 10,000 years of Chinese art history in one breath

◆3 kinds of utensils, 4 calligraphy, 9 famous paintings, 45 famous art masters, take you to decode the profound connotation of Chinese art

◆Locked lines and bare ridges, 180° without dead ends to appreciate fine cultural relics; super-long spreads, bringing you a museum-like experience

Dahua Chinese Art History

Dahua Chinese Art History

◆The tour guide of "Along the River During Qingming Festival" will take you on a day trip through the Northern Song Dynasty; "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains" is a combination of mountains and rivers, which can be seen not only in the National Palace Museum in Taipei, but also in "Dahua Chinese Art History"

◆The pictures and texts of the whole book are brilliant, the illustrations are pleasing to the eye, and the text is smooth and refined. Coherent and interesting; easy to understand, suitable for all ages.

Involving the artist

Yi Gongzi, founder of Accidental Art, former TV host, founded We-Media Accidental Art in 2013, which is dedicated to the popularization of art, aiming to popularize high-cold art to the public in a relaxed and interesting way, and has gradually grown into the largest domestic art. Internet Art Community.
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Involving news

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Nishang Yuyi Song, known as the peak of ancient Chinese dance music, is the treasure of Tang Dynasty music and dance culture, representing the high integration of music, dance and poetry art at that time.
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"General's Order", as a very representative ancient military music in Chinese traditional music, carries the long history and culture of the Chinese nation and the deep feelings of the family.
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"Qinglian Yuefu", as a shining pearl in Chinese classical music, not only carries rich historical and cultural connotation, but also embodies the essence of ancient Chinese music art.
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As an ancient music spread in Hunan, "Changsha Female Quotation" carries profound historical and cultural deposits and unique regional humanistic characteristics.
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The "King of Qin breaking the Army music", also known as the "Seven Morals dance", is a famous court music and dance in the early Tang Dynasty of ancient China, which originated from a series of major battles that Li Shimin, the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty, personally participated in and commanded during the war period.
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