Guangdong Hanle "Cliff Mountain Mourning"

58 views · Organized by 长恭 on 2024-02-17

Guangdong Han Music "Cliff Mountain Mourning" from the album "Chinese Music Map to hear Guangdong Guangdong Han music, Hakka folk songs"

The mountains Lament

Folk music Guangdong Han music Nationality: Han Nationality Area: Guangdong Hakka area

Guzheng: Chen Rujuan

At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, the Yuan army invaded Lin 'an (now Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province), and the Southern Song rebels moved south to the Xinhui Cliff Mountain in Jiangmen. In the end, the naval battle was defeated by the Yuan army, and the Prime Minister Lu Xiufu fell into the cliff sea under the emperor's tragic and solemn body.

A touch of Guzheng like crying like a cry, where the strings vibrate, is chanting sigh, is the heart of crying blood, can not bear to look back that distant but can not forget the historical situation, young Tianzi and weak scholar, the end of the road, the army defeated, one hundred thousand soldiers and people wailed with death. Zheng string does not move the mountains and rivers of the motherland, life and death, endure grief and tears, but at the end of the change of strength, the more played stronger, hate can not use firm and endeavour to destroy the sadness of this. In the end, a hint of silence, a sigh of comfort, a indifferent note gradually fade away, it is after the wind and rain suddenly bright and unchanged integrity, "life since ancient times who did not die, leave the heart according to history."

Involving the artist

Since its inception in 2003, Ruiming Music has adhered to the creation and ingenuity, and regards "making music with heart" as the brand concept of Ruiming music, striving to bring the audience more quality, taste of cultural aesthetic and artistic value pursuit.
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Involving musical instruments

Guzheng (pinyin: Gǔ Zhēng), also known as Hanzheng and Qinzheng, is an ancient national musical instrument of the Han nationality and is popular all over China. It is often used for solo, duet, instrumental ensemble and accompaniment of song and dance, opera and folk art. Because of its wide range, beautiful timbre, rich playing skills and strong expressiveness, it is known as the "King of Music", also known as "Oriental Piano", and is one of the unique and important national musical instruments in China.

Involving news

Organized by 线性代数 on 2024-07-25
In the vast world of traditional Chinese music, Guzheng is unique with its unique timbre and rich expression. Among them, "Pink Lotus" as a popular guzheng repertoire, not only shows the superb skills of guzheng performance, but also conveys the composer's deep understanding of the beauty of nature.
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Organized by 迷雾风暴 on 2024-07-24
As a popular guzheng song, "Butterfly Love" not only carries profound cultural heritage, but also the perfect fusion of emotion and natural beauty. This song describes a romantic picture of butterflies and flowers in spring with delicate brushstrokes, arousing people's yearning for beautiful love and deep understanding of nature.
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Organized by 某某 on 2024-07-23
Among the treasures of Chinese classical music, Guzheng carries thousands of years of cultural memory with its unique timbre and rich expression. Among many famous guzheng songs, Xiangshan Archdrum has become a widely acclaimed classic for its melodious melody and profound cultural connotation.
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Organized by 象牙山首富 on 2024-07-22
Guzheng, as one of the most representative instruments in Chinese classical music, carries thousands of years of cultural accumulation and artistic charm. In its rich repertoire, Thirty-three Ban, with its unique structure and deep emotional expression, has become a bright pearl in the hearts of guzheng players and lovers. This piece of music not only tests the skill of the performer, but also leads the audience into a musical world full of poetry and philosophy.
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Organized by 汤圆 on 2024-07-20
In the bright star of traditional Chinese music, Guzheng occupies a place with its unique timbre and rich expression. Among them, the song "Wild Geese" is like a vivid picture scroll, showing the delicate description and profound perception of the beauty of nature in Chinese classical music.
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