Guzheng and Beijing Opera Heroine

80 views · Organized by 线性代数 on 2024-01-05

Guzheng and Peking Opera "Heroine" from the album "Chinese Music Map to hear the Beijing Guzheng and Beijing Opera Shang Jingya"

Heroine heroine

Composition: Shangjingya Nationality: Han Nationality: Beijing

Guzheng: Shang Jingya

Drum Board: Xie Mengran

The Heroine, composed in 2017 and premiered at the Zhongshan Music Hall on the first day of the 2018 Chinese New Year, is based on the voice of Mu Guiying singing "Gao Bai Zi" "Wind Xiao Xiao" in the Peking Opera "Lady of Yangmen". It combines the timbres of Guzheng with hardness and softness, the traditional voice characteristics of Qingyi performers and the rhythm of popular music.

The drum began to sound, gradually intensified, such as the rumbling of war drums, the battlefield was filled with smoke, and a string of sonorous zheng sounds in the drums did not fall, such as a surprise soldier, with the wind and thunder, thundered straight into the phrase. The opening scene is a unique appearance of the heroine. Then the melody turns slowly and gently, with the delicate and quiet of women, with a few exquisite strokes, point to draw Mu Guiying as a woman's inner side. Then the sound of the zheng, like flowing clouds and running water, accompanied by the swift drum with a full sense of rhythm, just like "the Lu made by the horse is fast, the bow is like a thunderbolt string", the atmosphere is advancing all the way with an irresistible trend, and with a sudden stop, it enters the second half with a full sense of tension and tension. At that time, the Zheng sound gradually takes the upper hand from being surrounded by dangers to being free and easy, and then to a crisp plucked string. It was as if the enemy had been taken off his horse. The music depicts vividly and incisive the scene of Mu Guiying, 53 years old, still hanging pioneer seal, going deep into danger, fighting hard and winning a great victory.

Involving the artist

Since its inception in 2003, Ruiming Music has adhered to the creation and ingenuity, and regards "making music with heart" as the brand concept of Ruiming music, striving to bring the audience more quality, taste of cultural aesthetic and artistic value pursuit.
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Involving musical instruments

Guzheng (pinyin: Gǔ Zhēng), also known as Hanzheng and Qinzheng, is an ancient national musical instrument of the Han nationality and is popular all over China. It is often used for solo, duet, instrumental ensemble and accompaniment of song and dance, opera and folk art. Because of its wide range, beautiful timbre, rich playing skills and strong expressiveness, it is known as the "King of Music", also known as "Oriental Piano", and is one of the unique and important national musical instruments in China.

Involving news

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