The melody of Xiju is "Chaotic Chicken Cry"

80 views · Organized by 阿轺 on 2023-12-03

The melody of Xiju, "Chaotic Chicken Cry," comes from the album "Chinese Music Map: Listening to the Collection of Chinese Erhu Music, Deng Jiandong." The melody of Xiju, "Chaotic Chicken Cry," comes from the album "Chinese Music Map: Listening to the Collection of Chinese Erhu Music, Deng Jiandong."

Disordered Crow

Local Opera Xiju Tune Ethnic Group: Han Region: Jiangsu

Erhu: Deng Jiandong

Yangqin: Zhai Mengfei

Xi Opera originated from the "Dongxiang ditty" of local villagers in Changzhou and Wuxi along the coast of the Taihu Lake Lake, which was used for talking and singing for self entertainment. It was integrated with Daoqing and Spring singing, and developed into the form of folk art "Tanhuang". Later, it gradually absorbed folk ditty and dance from the south of the Yangtze River, and performed on the stage, renamed as "Changxi Wenxi Opera". It was named Xi Opera in 1952. Xiju mainly focuses on singing, with three major melodies of reed, mainland, and lingling, combined with dozens of folk tunes, forming a rich and full music system. The tunes are mostly soft, light, elegant, and lyrical, with a strong sense of life and a unique Jiangnan water town charm.

The Xi opera "Saving the Wind and Dust" tells that Song Yinzhang, a brothel girl, was cheated by Zhou She, the son of a millionaire, who abandoned her engagement with Xiucai An and married Zhou She. After marriage, she was humiliated and destroyed. Good sisters Zhao Paner used a clever trick to save Song Yinzhang, and finally, An Song became a lifelong friend. The melody of "chaotic chicken crowing" is absorbed from Pingtan and is often used to perform accompaniment for villains and clowns, with strong anecdotes. The selected passages of this song are for the accompaniment of Zhou She's performance in "Saving the Wind and Dust". The erhu is lively and rhythmic, babbling and babbling, while the yangqin is short and regular, with a ding dong ding dong sound, creating a dramatic character image that is irresistible to laugh at. In this humorous and witty melody, the erhu still occasionally flashes with graceful and melodious rhythms, alternating between lively jumps and long melodies, as if there are endless stories to tell, with a unique atmosphere.

Involving the artist

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Involving musical instruments

Yangqin (Pinyin: YangQin) was introduced from Persia at the end of the Ming Dynasty. It was originally used as an accompaniment for folk art and formed a variety of genres. After nearly 400 years of circulation and evolution in my country, dulcimer has traditional Chinese characteristics and national styles in musical instrument production, performance art or music creation, and combined with local folk music, it has formed a number of outstanding A genre with local and musical characteristics.
Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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