Zelda soundtrack appreciation of battle music
96 views · Organized by 爱在西元 on 2022-03-09
What kind of soundtrack makes Zelda's battle scenes so emotional? The battle music and non-combat music in The Legend of Zelda always switch seamlessly, so no matter where the music goes at the end of your battle, it's instantly connected to the finished bar.

Involving the artist

Tao Tao Feng, a percussion doctor, the first Chinese full-time Broadway performer. He is also an up-master in the music area of station B. He currently has 237,000 fans. His videos mainly focus on percussion performances, and he often talks about music theory and the use of musical instruments with the theme of game background music.
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Involving musical instruments

Tambourine (Pinyin: líng gǔ) is a percussion instrument of Uyghur, Korean, Uzbek, Tajik and other ethnic groups. It is popular in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Jilin Yanbian. The drum frame is made of wood and one-sided skin. There are three kinds of large, medium and small. . For singing and dancing or instrumental ensembles. Tambourine, also known as "hand drum", whether in folk dance or band accompaniment, tambourine is a kind of rhythm percussion instrument with strong color, which can be used as accompaniment, accompaniment dance and accompaniment song. The rhythm is free and the player can improvise.
String bells (pinyin: Chuànlíng), which are several small bells in the shape of a horseshoe (or semicircle, rod, etc.) strung with metal, which are pronounced through vibrations caused by tapping, shaking or shaking. The timbre is crisp, the volume is low, the sound is scattered, and it can continue to play long notes. When performing, it is especially necessary to master the timing of rhythm insertion, which is generally used on the upbeat or upbeat of the music.
Wooden fish (pinyin: Mùyú) is a kind of wooden percussion instrument. The common fish-shaped wooden fish is shaped like a round sphere close to a fist, and the middle part is hollow, which is used for sound resonance and amplification. There is a sound hole on one side of the sphere, which has the same function as the F-shaped hole of a violin. It allows the amplified sound to spread. on the shelf. The method of playing is to use a drum stick or a small wooden hammer to hit the resonance area on the outside of the instrument to make a sound. The size of the wooden fish can be of different sizes, the larger the volume, the lower the pitch.

Involving news

Organized by 肖毅 on 2022-03-22
I'm used to reading fashion magazines and trendy brands, but today I'll show you something different. This is the twenty-one band from the Qing Dynasty that swept the world. You must not have thought that this Qing Dynasty band had debuted in the C position and led the fashion. Just the folk music playing and painting have been sold at home and abroad.
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Organized by 阿弥 on 2022-03-04
In the morning and evening homework and daily Buddhist affairs, there are several kinds of instruments that are commonly used. The postures used can be summarized as follows: the chime is drawn to the mouth, the wooden fish is put together, the pan is facing the face, the hafnium is flat-chested, and the hand drum is holding the moon.
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Organized by 夏浩东 on 2022-02-08
"Wooden fish" was originally created and popularized by Chinese Buddhism. It is one of the important "dharma tools" of Buddhism. In ancient times, it was called "wooden fish drum", "fish drum", or "fish plate". In Buddhist allusions, there are many legends about wooden fish.
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Organized by 风月呢喃 on 2022-02-08
When playing, the large group of fish-shaped wooden fish needs to be placed on the ground, the small round fish-shaped wooden fish is supported with the left hand, and the right hand is percussion with the olive-shaped wooden hammer.
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Organized by 一口泡芙 on 2022-02-08
The wooden fish is a kind of wooden percussion instrument. The common wooden fish is shaped like a round sphere like a fist, and the middle part is hollow, which is used for sound resonance and amplification.
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