
fine grain

小筚篥 (pinyin: xì bì lì) is called "grass splitting force" in Korean, and is commonly known as "pipe" in the folk. Originated from ancient 筚篥. In the Goryeo music of the nine and ten pieces of music in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Xiaoyu and Taopiyu have been used, which are the vertical double-reed gas-sounding instruments favored by the Korean people. Pronunciation loud and clear, high-pitched and vigorous tone. It is suitable for playing Korean-style music with a strong local flavor. Can be played solo, ensemble or accompaniment. It is popular in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture of Jilin Province and areas inhabited by Koreans.


  • Chinese name:fine grain
  • origin:ancient 筚篥
  • popular area:Korean inhabited areas, etc.
  • alias:Grass splitting force, pipe
  • pinyin:xì bì lì
The history of Xiuji is very long, and the Korean Xiuji originated from ancient times. During the Western Han Dynasty, Bili was spread in the Western Regions of Qiuci, entered the Central Plains in the 4th century AD, and then spread to Korea in the east.
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Hu Meiling is a young teacher of the Folk Music Department of the Conservatory of Music, and a postgraduate tutor.
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The fine pitch is divided into three types: soprano, alto and double pitch.
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When playing the fine scorpion, the pipe body is placed upright, the little finger, ring finger, middle finger, and index finger of the right hand press one to four holes respectively; Flat blow or super blow.
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The fine stalk is composed of two parts: the whistle and the body.
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