
Guqin news

Under the shade of the green, the melodious melody of the guqin drifts in the Gaofenghan Memorial Hall of Jiaozhou, bringing a cool cultural atmosphere to the hot summer. Recently, the "intangible heritage Zero distance · Yaoshan Transmission of Ya Yin" Guqin art and culture exhibition was grand opened here, and the activity was jointly sponsored by Jiaozhou Cultural Tourism Bureau, the Municip...
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In the summer of June, the melody of history and art in Suixi ancient city melodious echo, 2024 Huaibei Ji Kang Guqin art exhibition in the early morning of June 18 in Suixi Ancient City Ji Kang Qin Hall grand opening. On the morning of June 18, 2024 Huaibei Ji Kang Guqin Art Exhibition and Ming Dynasty "Xilu Tang Qin System" music will be opened in Suixi Ancient City J...
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A few days ago, the reporter learned from the Guangxi Guqin Culture Research Association that a Ming Dynasty guqin with more than 500 years of history recently appeared in the "landscape into the string breeze rhyme - Bagui elegant rhyme Guangxi Yinbo 2024 intangible cultural heritage Collection" activities and "Introduction to Chinese Guqin" special lecture. The citizens who participated in th...
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Guqin, as an ancient string instrument in China, has sophisticated fingering and contains profound aesthetic and philosophical ideas. In the process of learning Guqin, in addition to mastering correct fingering skills, avoiding mistakes is equally important. The following are five taboos that should be paid special attention to in Guqin fingling: 1. Do not use too m...
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Among Chinese classical instruments, Guqin is highly respected by the world because of its profound cultural heritage and unique sound charm. The right-handed sound picking in its playing technique shows the characteristics of Guqin music, which is flexible and changeable and has profound charm. The right hand techniques of Guqin are rich and varied, including breaking, supporting, picking, hoo...
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In Guqin art, the unique fingering technique is not only the core of the playing technique, but also the key to the expression of musical meaning and emotional flow. Among them, "snake walking and crane walking" as an advanced and extremely artistic expression of guqin fingering, deeply respected and loved by the piano players. The word "snake walk" originates from the dynamic s...
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In the fast-paced modern life, many people are eager to find a pure land of soul in the busy time, return to the classical, feel the quiet and profound brought by the guqin. Learning guqin can not only cultivate sentiment, but also enhance the understanding of traditional Chinese culture, so how to effectively use spare time to learn guqin? 1. Manage your time properly: It is im...
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Guqin, as the treasure of traditional Chinese Musical Instruments, in its production process, the use and treatment of paint and ash is particularly important, not only related to the appearance of the guqin beauty, but also determines its sound quality. The application of paint and ash not only reflects the excellent skills of ancient craftsmen, but also carries profound cultural heritage and ...
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Stepping into the world of guqin, every beginner is eager to master this traditional art quickly and effectively. However, the learning of guqin is not done overnight, but it needs to follow certain laws and methods to achieve the effect of twice the result with half the effort. The following are some efficient practice methods designed for Guqin beginners: 1. Master the basic k...
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In the art of playing the Guqin, a traditional Chinese musical instrument, the continuity of the left hand plays a crucial role. In Guqin performance, the left hand undertakes the task of picking notes according to the string, changing timbre and completing various decorative notes with the right hand. The coherence of the left hand directly affects the fluency of music, the accuracy of emotion...
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