
Guqin history

In the world of ancient Chinese literati, there is a poet famous for "picking chrysanthemums under the east hedge, leisurely seeing the south mountain", he is the reclusive poet from the late Eastern Jin Dynasty to the early Southern Song Dynasty - Tao Yuanming. His philosophy of life is not only reflected in retiring to the countryside and enjoying himself with poems and wine, but also in the ...
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In the long river of Chinese classical music, the ancient qin melody of the Southern Song Dynasty "Xiaoxiang Water Cloud" has become a masterpiece spread through the ages with its unique artistic charm and profound emotional connotation. The story behind this piece tells the story of its creator, Guo Mian-zi Chu-Wang, and his inextricable relationship with that turbulent era, and how he fused h...
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In the history of ancient Chinese music, there was a blind musician who was famous for his extraordinary musical ability and ability to distinguish sounds. He was Shi Kuang, a musician in the State of Jin during the Spring and Autumn Period. The story of Shi Kuang's sound discrimination is not only a miracle of musical perception, but also an ode to wisdom and spiritual depth. ...
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In the history of ancient Chinese music, Guqin is not only a musical instrument, but also a carrier of culture. Its development process contains rich historical and humanistic feelings. Among them, the story of "King Wen of Zhou and King Wu of Zhou plus Xian" not only reflects the evolution of the shape and system of Guqin, but also reflects the virtue and governance concept of the two Kings. ...
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In the long history of China, Guqin is not only the carrier of music, but also the symbol of culture and philosophy. Among them, the story about "Shun making Banjo" not only carries the memory of the ancient sages, but also reflects the ancient society's yearning for harmony and virtue. This story, like an ancient song through time and space, echoes in the hearts of every lover of traditional c...
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In the ancient times, Fuxi, the cultural ancestor of the Chinese nation, with his outstanding wisdom and profound insight into the universe, created a far-reaching artistic initiative -- piano making. This legend is like a bright pearl inlaid in the long history of Chinese civilization, and is still praised by later generations. Saying that Fuxi observed the ...
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During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the guqin was favored by the celebrities of the Wei and Jin Dynasties. From the "Seven Sons of Jian'an" to the "Seven Sages of Bamboo Forest", and then to a large number of celebrities in the Jin and Jin Dynasties, or qin books for self-entertainment, or qin wine to relieve worries, it has become common to make friends with qin. The qin occupies a very importan...
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"At the beginning of human beings, their natures are inherently good. Their natures are similar, but their habits are far away...." Everyone is familiar with this well-known Chinese study "Three Character Classic", right? Among them, "Cai Wenji, can recognize the violin. Xie Daoyun, can sing. That woman is smart. Er man, you should be on your own." I don't know if you have any impressions of th...
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Celebrity anecdotes often produce many different texts in the process of circulation, and even become unrecognizable due to excessive interpretation. An obvious example is Tao Yuanming's stringless qin. Shen Yue's "Song Shu: Yin Yi Biography" first recorded this matter: "Qian can't understand the sound, but there is a husuqin without strings. Whenever the wine is suitable, noir caresses t...
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Who is the "blind minister", "the teacher Kuang Zhicong", who can be called "sub-sage" by Mencius? Come and meet this legendary famous musician in the Spring and Autumn Period! First of all, Shi Kuang's teacher is not his surname. Like Shixiang and Shi Juan, "shi" represents the position of music official. Secondly, Shi Kuang is still blind, and why is he blind? There are ...
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