
pipa news

Recently, the costume drama "Meng Hualu" starring the fairy sister Liu Yifei and Chen Xiao has become a fan, and the first broadcast broke 100 million. After a lapse of 16 years, Liu Yifei once again showed herself in ancient costumes, and she really deserves the honor of ancient costume ceilings. The script is adapted from Guan Hanqing's Yuan opera "Zhao Pan'er Fengyue Save the Wind and Dust",...
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It was learned from Lanzhou University that the school released the "Lanzhou University 2022 Art Major Admissions Guide". The school plans to enroll 82 art majors this year. Compared with the 2021 art enrollment plan, the number of enrollments has decreased by 23. In the school's art major enrollment plan, design (general class): including visual communication design and environ...
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Han Qixiang was once a representative of folk storytellers in northern Shaanxi. He has the ability to tell the story deeply and fascinatingly, to make the story climax one after another and the characters to be lifelike. expect. Storytelling is one of his strengths in comprehensive skills, and he makes full use of his strengths to compose new stories vividly. When Han Qixiang sa...
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Sound has no physical image, and it is fleeting and difficult to capture. How to describe it so that it can be vivid and perceptible? Bai Juyi's "Pipa Xing" in the Tang Dynasty and "Minghu Ju Tingshu" in Liu E's "Old Can's Travels" in the Qing Dynasty, although the former is a poem, the latter is a novel, the former depicts the sound of the pipa, and the latter depicts storytelling. sound, but ...
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At 2:30 p.m. on June 3, an elegant Chinese music collection of "Meeting Friends with Music" was held at the Oriental Bookstore. The tune "Only This Green", played by pipa and guqin, opened the curtain of the elegant gathering. On the day of the event, the Oriental Bookstore was very lively, and friends who loved Chinese music came from all over, just to listen to the sound o...
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During the reign of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, there was a palace maid surnamed Luo, with dignified facial features and beautiful eyes, just because her skin was darker, she was called Heihei. She is good at playing the pipa, and has the ability to never forget it. There is a new folk song and ballad, and she can play it as it is when she hears it, which is really amazing. ...
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Liu Tianhua (1895-1932), a national musical instrument player, was born in Jiangyin, Jiangsu. He once taught at Peking University Music Institute, Beijing Women's Higher Normal School Music Department and Beijing Art School. There is a story in his hometown: in the summer of 1920, many abscesses grew on his back, and the pain was unbearable. But he still insisted on practicing t...
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Da Hulei and Xiao Hulei are two exquisite pipa in ancient my country. Their appearance and evolution are full of legends and become a beautiful talk in the history of Chinese music. According to legend, in 781 AD, Han Huan, a great calligrapher and painter who once served as Zuo Pu She Tongzhong Shumen Xia Pingzhangshi (equivalent to the prime minister) in the Tang Dynasty, foun...
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Kunqu Opera is one of the oldest operas in my country, a treasure in the traditional arts of the Chinese nation, and an "orchid" in the Garden of Opera. It is an art composed of singing and dancing performances, euphemistic and delicate singing, gorgeous vocabulary, and graceful and charming music. It is the essence of opera art. The Kunqu Opera band is a tool to embody and enrich this treasure...
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As a professional composer with a sense of mission, he always consciously or unconsciously links his creations with the motherland and the nation. Young composer Cui Bingyuan's pipa concerto "Ode to Strings" is a masterpiece with the connotation of celebrating the mountains and rivers of the motherland and showing the spirit of the nation. This large-scale folk instrumental work, once premiered...
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