
small muffler

Small muffled flute (pinyin: xiǎo mèn dí), commonly known as leather whistle, is a double-reed gas-sounding instrument of the Yi nationality. In Yi language, it is called Yahalu or Benmaihei. In Yi language, "Benmaihei" means insect shell, and "Dili" means flute, which means the flute whose shell is used as a reed whistle.


  • Chinese name:small muffler
  • popular area:Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province
  • alias:leather whistle
  • form:Bamboo, single tube
  • pinyin:xiǎo mèn dí
The muffled flute has a long history, but when and where did it originate? It is difficult to find out today. According to many old folk artists in the Yi nationality area in Yunnan, the ancestors of the Yi nationality once used a small muffled flute to blow off the flood and saved the lives of the Yi family.
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Hu Meiling is a young teacher of the Folk Music Department of the Conservatory of Music, and a postgraduate tutor.
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The Yunnan National Culture Audio-Video Publishing House published the first domestic VCD album of small muffled instruments.
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In 1982, with the support and help of the Music Research Institute of the China Academy of Arts in Beijing and the Beijing Wind Instrument Factory, the reform and exploration of the small muffled flute was carried out, and the five-hole (the first four and the last one) the small muffled flute (range g1-e3) was successively made. ) and the plus key seven holes (the first six and the last one) the small muffled flute (range f1-f3).
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The small muffled flute is a national musical instrument of the Yi people of Chuxiong. It is made of bamboo tube. The small muffled flute is about three inches long and as thick as a pinky finger. There are four sound holes, three in the front and one in the back. When playing music, the scale and volume are controlled by the airflow in the mouth, and the pitch and timbre are changed by releasing the different sound holes and the cover of the base palm.
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When playing the small muffled flute, the pipe body is placed upright. The mouth contains the insect whistle on the top of the tube head, and it is played with a moderate breath.
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The traditional folk flute consists of a pipe body and a pipe whistle. The tube body is made of bamboo, generally made of phoenix-tailed bamboo or bitter bamboo shoots with the thickness of the pen tube grown locally, and also made of reeds or winged quills.
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