A detailed account of the ancient people's names and views on the zheng in "Quan Tang Poems"

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During the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties, due to the development of zheng skills and zheng art, people's names for zheng became more and more complicated. Among the more than 100 zheng chanting poems in "Complete Tang Poems", there are as many as 20 titles of zheng. From this, we can also see the continuous improvement and improvement of the manufacturing process of zheng and the variety of zheng. As a result, the zheng, which is a traditional stringed instrument, has become a work of art in itself. Such as the five-color winding string of the string, the golden chestnut column of the column, the elephant cloud of the head and so on.

A detailed account of the ancient people's names and views on the zheng in

The names of zheng in "Full Tang Poems" are generally divided into four categories. One is the difference in form. For example, the twelve-stringed zither, thirteen-stringed zither, Yunhe zheng, and zither that we mentioned earlier; one is from the artistic effect; one is from the skill of playing; A name derived from the decoration of the zheng. We will introduce them separately below.

1. Qin Zheng

This title is the most, up to 26. Obviously a kind of historical inheritance. To name a few:

When he is in the middle of nowhere, Qin Zheng relapses. (Zhang Jiuling's "Listening to the Zheng". "Complete Tang Poems" p. 146, the following pages are only indicated).

Playing the silk pipe in Fangyuan, Qin Zheng, Zhao Se, Guanying and Jiji, (Chen Ziang, "The Banquet on a Dark Day, Gao's Linting Preface", p. 215)

The frivolous child in the city knows how to solve Qin Zheng. (Cui Guofu's "Xiangyang Song" No. 2, p. 277)

Suddenly, when I heard Qin Zhengyi from the Painting Pavilion, I knew that it was the daughter of Zhao next door. (Cui Ying's "A Gentleman's Reply to a Light Boy", p. 304)

What makes it so, Qiang flute and Qin Zheng. (Bai Juyi, "Abandoned Qin", p. 1036)

Chu Li came to Zunli, and Qin Zheng sent it to his ear. (Bai Juyi, "Fenghuizhou Huainan Xianggong Si An Jian Sent Twenty-Four Rhymes", p. 1154)

Fengshengyue in Bamboo came to the door, took care of Qinzheng, and confronted Yunping. (He Ning's "Jiangchengzi" No. 2. p. 2172)

Another Song family lady's "Qin Zheng Song" ("Full Tang Poems" page 46), also called Qin Zheng directly.

2. Qin Sheng

We have discussed this title in the previous chapters one and two. Tang people inherited the tradition of their predecessors and called Qin Zheng as Qin Sheng. There are seven cases in total. like:

You return to Qin Xi and play Qin Sheng, and Qin Sheng chats and sends you off sadly. (Cen Shen, "Qin Zhengge Sending Nephew Xiao Zheng Returns to Beijing", p. 467)

Qin Shengchu was full of grievances, and Longshui Hu Jia's throat recovered. (Gu Kuang, "Zheng", p. 665)

The breeze under Wansong Pavilion is full, and Qin Shengyi can hear it at this time. (Liu Yuxi, "Injuring Qin Shu Xing", p. 887)

Chu Yan is a gatekeeper, and Qin Sheng is a female worker. (Bai Juyi, "Zheng", p. 1146)

Luo Binwang's "Questions for the Song Dynasty in the South of the Yangtze River": "Qin Weeping, Qin Sheng is nostalgic." (p. 198)

"Qin Zheng" in Bai Juyi's poem "Remuneration to Huainan Niu Xianggong Si Anjian Sent Twenty-Four Rhymes" is also called "Qin Sheng". Page (1154)

In addition, in many legendary novels and magazines of the Tang Dynasty, this title is also commonly used, such as Shen Yazhi's "Qin Meng Ji", Huang Pumei's "Bu Fei Yan", and "Guang Yi Ji" (Gu Shenzi), "The Legend of the Demon Concubine" ("The Record of Ghosts"), "The Miscellaneous Notes of Youyang" (Duan Chengshi), "The Miscellaneous Compilation of Du Yang" (Su E), "Supplement to the History of the Country" (Li Zhao), "Taizhen Biography" ( Music history), etc., it is all like this, but this is a more popular way of saying it.

3. Play the kite

"Old Tang Book", "New Tang Book", "Tang Liu Dian", "Xiwen Tong Kao" are treated as a form of zheng, but since the Han and Wei Dynasties, many places have regarded it as a playing technique. There are 17 examples in Tang poetry. :

Chang Jianyou "Playing the Zheng at Night in High Buildings" (p. 333), Gu Kuangyou "Zheng Nv Playing the Zheng Song" (p. 661), "Li Huzhou Ruren Playing the Zheng Song" (p. 661), Chu Guangyi "Shi Guo" (p. 661) Tangzheng Gorge Works" (p. 316), Zhang Ji's "General's Journey" also mentioned: "There is Hu Chen in the east of Tanzheng Gorge" (p. 950), one of Li Shangyin's "Untitled Two Songs" has "Twelve Learning Play Zheng" (p. 1364), Wu Rong's "Li Zhou Playing the Zheng Song" (p. 1734), Du Fu's "Journey to General He's Mountains and Forests": "The silver armor is used to play the zheng." "Dan" is used as a verb, not as a noun .

4. Kite

"Old Tang Book", "New Tang Book", "Tang Liuqu" and "Xiwen Tong Kao" all have "pick zheng" in the types of zheng, but most of them are used as a method of playing zheng in the whole Tang poetry. A total of one case.

Wanwan has "Watching the Pixie" (p. 217), and Wang Yan has "Sit at Night and Watching the Pixie" (p. 336).

5. Mingzheng

The Han, Wei and Six Dynasties have all such titles. According to the Dunhuang fresco "Music Singing" (one each in Mogao Grottoes and Yulin Grottoes), whether it is a kind of zheng that can "self-sound" remains to be studied. There are six cases in the whole Tang poetry, all of which are explained by name. A kind of kite. example:

The little woman upstairs sits with a zheng, and sees Feichen entering the chapter in the distance. (One of Wang Changling's "Two Songs of Qinglou", p. 331)

Watching the wind blowing flowers enter the building, the high-pitched zither sings to slow down the night. (Wang Changling, "The Green House Resentment", p. 331)

Alone with a faint moon facing Fenglin, Zhoufu Mingzheng and Kexin. (Wang Changling, Listening to Flowing Water (Water Tunes), p. 331)

The beautiful woman plays "White Sun" at the window, and the stringer talks about the zheng in sign language. (Li Bai's Journey to the Green Sun, p. 384)

Mingzheng golden chestnut pillars, in front of the jade house. (Li Duan, Listening to the Zheng, p. 729)

Huayan advocates that there is no tung bamboo, and the long knife stands upright to cut the zheng. (Li He, Gongmo Dance Song, p. 977)

From the six examples cited above, the first three are non-nouns, and the last three are nouns. Its shape is mainly expressed on the "Golden Chestnut Pillar".

6. Dianzheng

Dianzheng is still with me when I come out of the curtain. (Lu Lun's "Feast of Feasts Makes Yao Meiren Pai Zheng Song", p. 702)

The dust of the treasure armor is dimly looming, and the strings of the zither are broken, and the wild geese are sparse. (Wen Tingjun, "Mourning the Death with Friends", p. 1479)

Dianzheng Luo Muyu scratched his head. (Zhang Mi, Huanxi Sand), p. 2185

Note: Dian is a kind of jewelry made of gold and jade jewelry in the shape of flowers. Most of the ancient zheng people were women, whether it was a zheng played by women; it may also be a zheng decorated with flowers in the shape of gold and jade jewelry.

7. Yuzheng

The bright moon shines on people crying, opening the curtain and playing the jade zither. (Chang Jian, "Playing the zither at night in tall buildings", p. 333)

The moon moves the pearl in the hall to dawn, and the wind stagnates the jade kite in autumn. (Xu Yu, "Su Kaiyuan Temple Building". p. 1338)

The jade zheng was not fully played, and the phoenix bun and the yellow hairpin came off. (One of Feng Yanji's "Bodhisattva Man", p. 2186)

The residual sun is still curved, jade zither and tear bombs. (same as above)

The dust covers the strings of the jade zheng, and the painting hall is empty. (Feng Yanji, "Yu Meiren", p. 2187)

8. Yinzheng

Yinzheng worked diligently at night for a long time, and couldn't bear to return to the empty house. (Wang Ya, "Autumn Night Song", p. 858)

Huiluan turned to Fengyi, and Yinzheng's Jinse voice was in harmony. (Dai Shulun, "Bai Ning (Caotou Ning) Ci", p. 686)

The deep courtyard is quiet in the evening, and the silver zither is managed. (One of Mao Xizhen's "Looking at Qinchuan", p. 2187)

Lightly hit the silver zither and fall into the mud, and the broken wire hangs high in the west of the painting. (Sun Guangxian, "Huanxisha" No. 7, p. 2182)

9. Ai Zheng

Where is the Aizheng with the emergency management, the cherry blossoms are hanging on the bank of Yongxiang. (Li Shangyin's Four Untitled Songs, No. 4, p. 13564)

There is no way in Qingpo, and Ai Zheng does not go out, why ask the incense pillar, the green curtain is from dusk. (Page 1370 Li Shangyin's "Ai Zheng")

Press: "Complete Tang Poems" are only two examples. However, in Song Yajian, it appeared in large numbers. The "sorrow" here is mainly from the musical artistic effect and characteristics of the zheng.

10. Baozheng

Baozheng crosses wild geese, complaining flute "Plumeria Falling River". (Zhang Mi, Bihu, p. 1850)

Baozheng peeled off the dust cover, and the brocade tent looked at the candles. (Liao Rong, "Retiring Prostitutes", p. 1892)

Press: This article can be used as a decoration on the zither.

11. Jinzheng

Poor Jinsezheng Pipa, Yuhu Sake is recommended. (Cui Ying, "Youth Travel in Weicheng", p. 304)

Jinzheng and silver armor ring the strings, seduce the sound of spring to a feast. (Tang Yanqian's "Untitled Ten Songs" No. 2, p. 1685)

12. Thinking of Fuzheng

The string is in danger and the woman is serene, and A coldly thinks of her husband's zheng. (Li Shangyin, "Sending the Millennium General Li to Que Fifty Rhymes", p. 1379)

Press: This Yanzheng plays the "Wanting of a Husband".

13. Qin Xian

Qise plays the tune in the east, and Qin Xian plays the tune in the west. (Li Bai's "Ancient Style", No. 54, p. 382)

Press: During the Wei Dynasty, Cao Pi said "Qi advocated the east dance, and Qin Zheng played the Western sound" ("Good Work" Cao Zhi said "Qin Zheng made the Western sound, Qise raised the East Acura", "Giving Ding Yi"), Bai Shi and two Cao's poetry is similar.

14. Play the kite

Lu Lunyou "Yao Meiren Pai Zheng Song" (page 702)

15. Qingzheng

Li Bai's "Viewing Prostitutes at the South Pavilion in Handan": "Why does the Qingzheng wind around, the song is green and the clouds hang down". (page 417)

16. Tortoiseshell Zheng

The jade comb and Dianduoxiang gelatinize, and the wind blows the tortoiseshell kite all day long. (Yuan Zhen, "Six Years of Spring Dispatching Cups, No. 4 of Eight Poems", p. 1000)

Press: Tortoiseshell: Originally a marine animal, it is shaped like a turtle, and its horn plate is crystal clear and beautiful. It is often used as a decoration for spectacle frames, picture frames and zither. Also known as "kites":

One of Mao Zhaozhen's "Bodhisattva Man", "Plough flowers fill the courtyard with fragrant snow, high-rise buildings are quiet at night and kites swallow." (p. 2178)

Involving musical instruments

Guzheng (pinyin: Gǔ Zhēng), also known as Hanzheng and Qinzheng, is an ancient national musical instrument of the Han nationality and is popular all over China. It is often used for solo, duet, instrumental ensemble and accompaniment of song and dance, opera and folk art. Because of its wide range, beautiful timbre, rich playing skills and strong expressiveness, it is known as the "King of Music", also known as "Oriental Piano", and is one of the unique and important national musical instruments in China.

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