"Ancient Charm Runs the Fragrant River" outdoor research, and feel the charm of folk music

172 views · Organized by Fucui on 2022-11-04

In order to guide young children to get in touch with folk music, understand folk music culture and feel the charm of folk music art, the outdoor research activity of "Ancient Charm Runs Fragrant River", sponsored by Zhenjiang Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Tourism and organized by the Municipal Cultural Museum, was held in the Jinshan Lake International RV Camping Base on the morning of November 1.

At the activity site, the business cadres of the Municipal Cultural Center let all the teachers and students from Xiangjiang Branch of Zhenjiang Experimental Kindergarten experience the artistic charm of traditional ethnic instruments, feel the timbre and performance methods of different ethnic instruments, and introduce traditional folk music culture into children's teaching through live performance.

Wang Jiamo, a child from Xiangjiang Branch of Zhenjiang Experimental Kindergarten:

I heard Hulusi and Laerhu, as well as the sound of flute playing. I like it very much. I like the sound of erhu best because it sounds good.

Chen Yitong, student of Xiangjiang Branch of Zhenjiang Experimental Kindergarten:

In the performance, I like Hulusi best, because my brother is also learning Hulusi. He is very handsome when he blows, and I also want to learn Hulusi.

The reporter learned that in September this year, the Municipal Cultural Center and the Education Bureau of Runzhou District signed an agreement on "school library cooperation" for after-school extended services, and has carried out a series of various forms of art popularization activities in many primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in Runzhou District.

Xu Fuyu, Office Director of the Municipal Cultural Center:

Because of our own business expertise, we have various forms of musical instruments, dance and calligraphy to bring to schools and schools through exhibition, bringing different artistic atmosphere to these children, large and small, so that they can also integrate some artistic atmosphere into their after-school life, as well as their ordinary life.

Involving musical instruments

Dizi (pinyin: dí zi), also known as the horizontal flute, is generally used as an important musical instrument to accompany opera.
Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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