"Art" from the growth of Huzhou Xinfeng experimental primary school education Group to teach strong primary school

155 views · Organized by 袁城 on 2022-12-06

"It's about a 40-minute drive from Xinfeng Experimental Primary School to Daxi Town Qiang Primary School. Big trucks keep coming and going along the national highway. The road conditions are rather complicated. "But I can't wait to think of those kids who love music," Yao said with a smile.

Yao Jiannan, graduated from Zhejiang Normal University in 2015, is now a music teacher of Huzhou Xinfeng Experimental Primary School Education Group. "The school has been exploring the road of 'education for prosperity together'. Since the establishment of the Teaching Community with multiple units in 2019, we have conducted more than 100 synchronized classes." Yao Jiannan told reporters: "This is for rural schools to send education activities, I am very honored to teach for Shangqiang primary school students."

Recalling the first time and Shangqiang primary school students to meet the scene, Yao Jiannan involuntarily smiled: "just stepped into the classroom, there was a warm applause, I am still a little excited." When Yao pulled out the instrument, the students, who had never touched the erhu before, were very curious and their eyes were full of longing. After a brief introduction to the construction of the erhu, she played a rendition of "Horse Racing" to the children, and the thunderous applause broke out again. "The first time I came to class here, I brought four Erhu, and students came to the platform in between classes, eager to try."

After half a month, Yao Jiannan came to the strong primary school again, she put forward the previous class had taught the knowledge points, the students could answer. "They never fail to amaze me." Yao Jiannan said with a smile. After a while, she wanted to give the students who were good at Erhu a chance to show it, so she invited the other teachers of the class to watch the performance. They were full of praise.

After her last class at Shangqiang Primary School, Yao Jiannan was invited by a classmate to accompany her home to play the erhu for her grandmother. "Caring for students is a prerequisite for good teaching. I don't come to this village school often enough to teach, but I still want to leave something for the children."

"Teaching activities bring students the joy of knowledge and improve my teaching ability. This may be the charm of 'education co-rich'." Yao Jiannan sighed.

Education is like a warm practice, on this road, she must insist on being a warm music teacher, warm others, warm themselves, and students "art" grow up.

Reference materials and contributors
送教下乡 “艺”起成长

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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