Black Tower Town School for the elderly people musical instrument training to meet the diverse learning needs of the elderly

141 views · Organized by 咖喱麦兜 on 2022-12-14

The melodious sound of the erhu lingers in the Wenguang station of Heita Town, causing people to stop and listen. After the song, came the hearty laughter, is more curious, want to find out, looking for the sound, came to the activity room on the second floor of the Wenguang Station, "Black tower Town School for the elderly people musical instrument training class" several characters came into view, the original is uncles and aunts are learning Erhu in the school for the elderly.

Black Tower Town School for the elderly people musical instrument training to meet the diverse learning needs of the elderly

Since the implementation of "warming the hearts of the people", Heita Town has attached great importance to the spiritual needs of the elderly groups, combined with the action requirements of "old people learn", with the purpose of increasing knowledge, enriching life, cultivating sentiment, promoting health and serving the masses, combined with the actual situation of the area, the town has established the Heita Town School for the Elderly, held training activities such as traditional folk Musical Instruments, calligraphy, painting and chess, and taught students according to their aptitude. Teaching for "fun" can meet the diversified learning needs of the elderly and enrich their later life.

At present, Heita Town School for the Elderly is holding training classes on ethnic Musical Instruments, including traditional folk instruments such as the erhu, pipa and Liuqin. Considering the limited types of Musical Instruments, teaching level and supporting facilities, as well as the elderly group's ability to accept and learn things, the school for the elderly will gradually carry out five Erhu training courses to prevent the progress from being too fast, which will increase the elderly's learning pressure and reduce their learning enthusiasm. At the same time, the old "musicians" who are skilled in playing traditional national instruments in Heita Town will be called as the tutor and teacher. Through the gradual review of learning, the old people will be ensured to learn fully and learn happily.

"I've always loved the erhu, and it never ceases to itch me if I don't pull it a few times a day. I didn't expect that our town has established a training class for folk Musical Instruments. I am so happy to play the erhu together with so many old friends. There are not only fans of traditional folk instruments like Uncle Zhao, but also beginners like Aunt Yu. "At first, I was a little worried that the erhu was too difficult to learn on my own. Teacher Zhou is patient, students help each other, I can now also pull on a small piece of music. And I met a lot of new friends. It's much more fulfilling than just watching Tiktok at home." The smile of old friends is the biggest affirmation of the school for the elderly. At present, the school has trained more than 230 people in the folk musical instrument training class.

In the next step, Heita Town will lead 18 villages to put "Learning from the Aged" into practice, create more down-to-earth learning courses, increase publicity efforts, and let "learning from the aged" benefit more elderly friends.

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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