"Dong Yuhui" in Hushu Pass, embraces digital transformation and goes out of the circle

196 views · Organized by 花昼 on 2022-07-15

Recently, Dongfang Selection, the live broadcast room of New Oriental, has exploded out of the circle due to a new knowledge-based live broadcast method. In fact, there is also such a group of "Dong Yuhui" in Hushuguan. They actively embrace digital transformation and ride the wind and waves in the emerging market blue ocean.

Intangible cultural heritage live broadcast, cultural "fans" not only bring goods, but also lead the way

"Netizens can interact in the live broadcast room if they have any questions." Walking into the "Japeng Erhu" studio located in Hushuguan, Ding Sheng, the son of Ding Jiapeng, the inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage of the High-tech Zone, was communicating with netizens. "At present, my live broadcast room has tens of thousands of fans, and live broadcasts are opened every morning and afternoon."

In 2021, Ding Sheng and his team began to try to promote the new era through live broadcasts, short videos and other means of communication in the new era, so as to add the "wings" of new media to the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage for the "Jia Peng Erhu", and to connect with everyone through the Internet. Getting closer, let more people understand, be familiar with and like the craftsmanship of erhu.

In the live broadcast room, there will be an erhu anchor teacher holding an erhu and playing classic songs such as "Horse Racing" and "Erquan Reflecting the Moon". At the same time, the team will introduce the process and elements of erhu production to everyone. Netizens will also ask practical questions such as erhu sound quality and production materials, which will be answered patiently in the live broadcast room.

"Webcasting can be said to be an important way to inherit ancient skills in the most popular way. As the inheritors of intangible heritage, we can only make intangible cultural heritage reappear in contemporary life and let traditional skills reappear in contemporary life only by 'adapting to the times'. 'Live' and 'Fire'."

An erhu has been held by three generations and passed down for 40 years. Ding Jiapeng followed his father to learn to make the first erhu in his life from the age of 13. After that, he learned the secrets of making a violin handed down by his father, and he continued to research and innovate in the craftsmanship of violin making, which made the level of erhu production leap to a new level. For decades, the erhu made by Ding Jiapeng has been listed as the industry standard. "Jiapeng Erhu" has also been included in the list of representative projects of intangible cultural heritage in the High-tech Zone.

Ding Sheng believes that since exploring short videos and live broadcasts, the biggest gain from online sales is not sales, but a closer distance with consumers. "Through short video and live broadcast interaction, we can grasp customer needs at the first time, and make quick adjustments and optimizations in product production, which is unmatched in the past."

With the continuous extension of the new type of communication, "Jia Peng Erhu" has also received orders from all over the country, "Erhu lovers in Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia will also contact us to buy, which makes us proud and proud, erhu has a different The rhythm of other musical instruments, combined with different musical elements, and the 'new' musical style formed by the collision and fusion of cultures have promoted the development of modern erhu art."

The CEO of the company personally "in charge" of the live broadcast brings out a new marketing channel

"Welcome to Lao Xu's live broadcast room, today Luye's new summer products are new..." Xu Jiancheng, chairman of Luye Technology Group, "transformed" into an online anchor, and created "Lao Xu's live broadcast room" to "optimize quality" together with the anchor masters Good things", vividly and accurately convey new product information to more consumers and stores.

"Although affected by the epidemic, the start of this year was not so smooth, but through our active efforts, the current performance has exceeded the level of the same period last year." Recently, in Luye Technology Group, all links of warehousing, packaging, shipping, and collection are under tension. proceed in an orderly manner.

As an enterprise in Hushuguan integrating technology research and development, intelligent manufacturing, and independent brand promotion, Luye has launched a series of branded and serialized daily necessities such as cosmetics, daily necessities, and household cleaning.

In 2021, in line with the new industry development trend, the company began to cultivate its own live broadcast team, expand its own store broadcast layout, and further enhance store stickiness. The original intention was to explore the way for dealers. Communication and service are the most important". At the same time, Luye has also been actively exploring market channels, creating online and offline dual-line operations for B+C end apps, and has achieved impressive results. As of the first half of this year, compared with the first half of 2021, Luye Supermarket's sales increased by 13.9%.

The live broadcast of goods reflects the innovative achievements of the sales side. Behind the full popularity of the Internet is the outbreak of years of deep cultivation and accumulation in the entire industry chain. Luye Technology Group has 100,000 and 10,000-level clean standard production workshops. The entire workshop has passed ISO9001 certification and international GMP certification, with a total production capacity of 100,000 tons per year.

Several sets of intelligent equipment, MES system and unmanned forklift intelligent storage system are introduced into the production workshop, which can realize production planning, material preparation, manpower allocation, process technology, quality control, inspection and testing, packaging and storage and other internal production links and after-sales services. The interconnection of services, information sharing and remote visualization, and the perfect integration of workshop industrialization and informatization make the company even more powerful on the supply side.

"Whoever completes the transformation first and the fastest will have a greater advantage in the market. The epidemic at the beginning of the year provided companies with an opportunity to think and improve their internal strength. In the second half of the year, we will start sprinting and strive to ensure that sales performance is 20% higher than last year. improvement." The relevant person in charge of the company introduced. At present, while improving the team's live broadcast operation capabilities and product quality, the company will also adapt to market changes, actively meet various emerging market needs, and continuously improve the company's market competitiveness.

The accelerated emergence of new consumption forms shows strong vitality. Facing the new consumption and new business forms brought about by technological innovation and conceptual innovation, Hushuguan will also take practical and effective measures to help the long-term development of enterprises.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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