Erhu & Electronic organ crossover concert parachuted into Yancheng

91 views · Organized by 氯化钠 on 2023-01-03

On the evening of December 31, 2022, an audio-visual feast of the integration of Erhu and electronic organ, "Infinite Movement" crossover concert of Erhu and electronic organ was first airborne in Yancheng and performed in 1956 Star Theater. The tacit cooperation between Chinese Erhu player Zhao Lei and Japanese electronic organ player Mayyou Imitani has brought the audience in Yancheng a crossover collision between traditional Chinese instruments and modern western instruments, a fusion of traditional modern expression and multi-world vision.

Erhu & Electronic organ crossover concert parachuted into Yancheng

Zhao Lei's opening piece, the Erhu solo Erhu Infinite Movement, lit up the audience. The unique style broke the boundaries of traditional folk music language and played a wonderful opening movement for this New Year's Eve concert.

A series of classic pieces spanning China and the West, ancient and modern: Italian opera "Nessun Dorma", traditional Erhu famous song "River Water", Yunnan music style representative work "The First Erhu Rhapsody", classic musical opera "Phantom of the Opera", magnificent "Russian epic opera" King Igor "the most famous dance dance" Borowitz ", the healing of the soul in the opera of Masne's famous intermezzo "Meditation", exploration The 13 pieces, including the encore performance, such as "One Step Away" and "Chardash Dance", were performed by Zhao Lei and Mayyou Imitani with exquisite skills and touching sincerity. The audience also felt the diversified interpretation and innovative expression of the two excellent players in the visual and auditory enjoyment.

This "National Style New Year's Eve · Sharing New Folk Music" -- "Infinite Movement" Erhu & Electronic organ crossover concert is also the first New Year's Eve performance since the opening of Star Theater in 1956. All along, 1956 Star Theatre has been thinking about how to resonate with the city, diverse audience groups and diverse cultural needs on the basis of adhering to quality and preserving characteristics. With drama as the core cultural force, it cultivates the urban cultural atmosphere and preserves the urban cultural temperament.

As an important cultural node of Jianjun Road, Yancheng's landmark business district, 1956 Star Theater will always adhere to its original intention and take "theater + reading + creative life" as its core function to bring more starry and beautiful culture and art to Yancheng citizens and bring more innovative vitality to the development of Yancheng's culture and art.

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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