Guan Naizhong Erhu Concerto and Marco Solo Concert was successfully held in the Concert Hall of Guotu Art Center

224 views · Organized by 风月呢喃 on 2022-09-21

On September 16, 2022, "Sentiments of the Literati" - Guan Naizhong Erhu Concerto Concert and Marco Erhu Solo Concert was successfully held in the concert hall of Guotu Art Center. As the 2020 Youth Artistic Creation Talent Funding Project of the National Art Fund, this concert demonstrated the outstanding strength of young outstanding performing arts talents, and also allowed the audience to appreciate the musical charm of the Chinese Erhu. The whole concert was performed by Ma Ke, a young erhu teacher from the Chinese Music Department of the China Conservatory of Music and a CCTV New Top Ten Young Erhu Performer. Conducted by Professor Jin Ye, Deputy Director of the Conducting Department of the China Conservatory of Music, the Chinese Music Symphony Orchestra performs in concert. Professor Kang Xiao, Vice Dean of the Graduate School of the China Conservatory of Music was also invited to guide the listening. There is also a mentor of Ma Ke's student days, the former vice president of the China Conservatory of Music, the current vice president of the Chinese Opera Academy, the vice president of the Chinese Musicians Association, the president of the National Bow and String Society, and the Huqin Performing Artist Professor Fei Song serves as the artistic director. Such a powerful cast lineup presents the audience with a picturesque erhu symphony feast.

Guan Naizhong Erhu Concerto and Marco Solo Concert was successfully held in the Concert Hall of Guotu Art Center

The concert kicked off with the Erhu Concerto "Thinking About Autumn", which describes the modern revolutionary heroine Qiu Jin, followed by "The Third Erhu Concerto - The Soul of Poetry", which describes the talented but underappreciated Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai; "Tian Lai Hua Yin" by Liu Tianhua, the originator and master of modern folk music; and "The Fourth Erhu Concerto - Love, Hate, Love and Hate", which tells the story of Cai Wenji, a female literati in the Eastern Han Dynasty. These works not only use abstract musical language to describe the life conditions of literati in different eras, but also express their sincere desire for the prosperity and development of the motherland through sometimes deep and sometimes high-pitched melodies, showing the lofty aspirations of national righteous men. Let the audience experience the unique life feelings and ups and downs of historical figures. Composer Mr. Guan Naizhong has always been committed to telling Chinese stories with Chinese music. His works contain strong storytelling and tension, which can further demonstrate the diversification of erhu art. At the same time, the wonderful performances of Marco and the performers on the stage also brought an auditory feast full of aesthetic meaning to the audience.

Guan Naizhong Erhu Concerto and Marco Solo Concert was successfully held in the Concert Hall of Guotu Art Center

Ma Ke, the person in charge of the National Art Fund's Young Artistic Creation Talent Funding Project, is a young erhu teacher and a young erhu performer in the Chinese Music Department of the China Conservatory of Music. director. Since his student days, Ma Ke has actively participated in various artistic practice performances. The many solo concerts he has held have received enthusiastic responses, and the industry and the audience have given them high praise. As CCTV's new top ten erhu performers, Ma Ke has Whether it is the dignified and atmospheric artistic temperament or the skilled and superb performance skills, they are the best representatives of the new ten erhu people. This concert is a very big test for her. It not only requires the performers to have a strong ability to grasp the connotations and emotions of different pieces of music and to switch quickly. At the same time, all the pieces were performed standing up, and there was almost no rest time in the middle of the pieces, and her physical requirements were also very high. It is worth mentioning that in the second half of the "Erhu Concerto No. 4 - Love, Hate, Love and Hate", the erhu is played with octave tuning. This special tuning form is created by the composer adopting the tuning method of the traditional erhu work "Dan Yue" and combining the elements of national music with modern composition techniques. It not only brings greater artistic expression to the erhu, but also expands the technical skills of erhu performance, and is a new attempt and exploration for the performer.

Guan Naizhong Erhu Concerto and Marco Solo Concert was successfully held in the Concert Hall of Guotu Art Center

"Sentiment of the literati" is Ma Ke's artistic summary of these four works. She believes that the four characters have something in common, that is, they have a deep love for their family, compatriots, nation and country. I believe this feeling is also the composer's own, Mr. Guan Naizhong. pattern boundary. He poured it into his works of art, using the charm of the sound of stringed instruments such as the erhu to tell the ups and downs of historical figures and contagious national stories. It not only reflects the serene and natural literati temperament, but also naturally reveals the sincere emotions of the family, the country, the nation, and the compatriots of the nation. Promote and inherit.

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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