Guqin Culture Exhibition: Interpreting Guqin culture with more than 120 cultural relics

370 views · Organized by 雨童 on 2023-05-22

When you step into Hall 1 on the first floor of Liaoning Provincial Museum, the melodious music of the piano slowly drifts into your ears, and the huge painting "Visiting Friends with the Piano" at the entrance of the hall is beautifully reflected. In the painting, the scholar leads the guqin boy to visit his friends in the cottage, which seems to bring the audience to the ancient people visiting their friends.

Guqin Culture Exhibition: Interpreting Guqin culture with more than 120 cultural relics

On May 18, a Guqin Culture exhibition was held at Liaoning Provincial Museum. The exhibition is the first Guqin culture-themed exhibition held by Liaoning Provincial Museum. A total of 121 pieces/groups of guqin objects and cultural relics related to Guqin culture are on display, among which 41 pieces are exhibited in Liaoning for the first time. The exhibition is divided into five parts: "distant", "self-cultivation", "elegant", "intimate" and "Qu Yi". They tell the audience about the history of Guqin moji, and interpret the traditional Chinese ideology and culture contained in Guqin and the inner world of scholars and scholars to cultivate and make friends.

Guqin, also known as Yao Guqin, Yuqin and veena Guqin, is a traditional plucked string instrument in China. It belongs to the silk in eight tones. In the "distant" section of the exhibition, a Jiuxiao ring peqin, made in the Tang Dynasty and dating back more than 1,200 years, sits quietly in a display case. Many audience around the display case carefully scrutinized this ancient famous piano, feeling the traces of time. On the surface of the instrument, broken marks and cracks formed naturally due to years of weathering and vibration during playing show the patterns of snake belly and cow hair.

"These broken lines are one of the main evidence to identify the age of Guqin." Li Qiongjing, curator of Academic Research Department of Liaoning Provincial Museum, said, "This Guqin is 122.7 cm long and 21.1 cm wide. It is made of wutong wood with loose texture and straight texture. The sound is clearer and more beautiful, and the sound produced by the Guqin is like the sound of loud and sweet ring pei. It is the symbol of the Fuhsi."

According to legend, the creation of qin is related to the emperor at the beginning of Chinese civilization. "Qincao" says: "Fuxi made the harp." According to archaeological findings, the Zhou Dynasty Guqin was popular more than 3,000 years ago. In the Tang Dynasty, the development of the guqin jumped to a new level. At this time, both the shape and the sound of the guqin reached a new peak. "Compared with the flat guqin in the Song Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty guqin is more round in shape, the proportion is more reasonable, more conducive to playing." According to Li Qiongjing, there are about 20 ancient qin handed down from the Tang Dynasty in the world, among which only 4 are the most famous Fuxi style Jiuxiao Ring Qin of the Tang Dynasty. One of them is collected by Liaoning Provincial Museum as a national treasure.

In the "self-cultivation" section of the exhibition, the first-class cultural relics borrowed from the Confucius Museum, "Learning the Piano Master Xiangtu Page", depicts the beauty of Confucius learning the piano from Shi Xiang. Ancient Chinese literati have four elegant things, namely Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, Qin ranked first. Guqin has a quiet and elegant charm and artistic conception. For thousands of years, it has been a favorite instrument of literati. From Xiao Shao by Yu Shun, Qing Jiao by Huang Emperor, to High Mountains and Flowing Water, to the "first of eight tones" advocated by literati in the Western Han Dynasty, Qin has been endowed with the spirit of scholars during its inheritance and development for thousands of years, and has become the voice of sage governance and the cultivation of a gentleman.

In the mountains, a scholar, accompanied by a piano boy, sat on a stone with a guqin beside him, thinking quietly. In the "elegant" part of the exhibition, Zhang Sijiao's "Hall Fun Diagram Axis" from the Qing Dynasty shows the scene of scholars' self-cultivation. "Many paintings, paintings and artifacts of the Ming and Qing dynasties often depict Qin people sitting alone in mountains, courtyards, or welcoming visitors." Ma Hui, a librarian at the Academic Research Department of Liaoning Provincial Museum, said, "Some of them are alone, some of them are carrying the piano, or they are sitting with the piano, or they are concentrating on playing the piano, or they are sitting quietly in meditation. This is a way for literati to communicate with their hearts. From ancient times to today, literati in the landscape flow and caressed, carrying qin travel, elegant gathering, through the landscape, Qin music, to explore ideals, express emotions."

In ancient paintings, paintings, lacquerware and other works, it is common for literati to play the piano and wait for friends to visit, or to visit friends with the piano and talk to each other with the music. In the "Bosom Friend" section of the exhibition, scenes of visiting friends with Qin are painted in Hu Jie's "Wuzhong Smoke Scene" in Qing Dynasty, Wen Boren's "Tianmu Mountain Map Axis" in Ming Dynasty, and Qing Dynasty lacquerware "Relief landscape Figure Wenmu Pen Holder", showing the audience the inner world of Qin people to cultivate themselves and make friends. Guqin sound calm, soothing, distant, high and few, suitable for bosom friend communication, literati elegant set, Boyazi period of high mountains and rivers to find a bosom friend story widely spread. Bosom friends are hard to find and bosom friends are hard to find. It is also an everlasting theme in landscape paintings, lacquerware, jade and other decorative patterns from the Ming and Qing dynasties to the present.

"Guqin is not only a musical instrument, but also a carrier of traditional Chinese ideology and culture, reflecting the spiritual pursuit of ancient literati and officials." "Through this exhibition, I hope to guide the audience to appreciate the beauty of the shape and system of Guqin, to understand the rich connotation of Guqin culture, to feel the love of literati and scholars of ancient and modern times for Guqin, and to understand their spiritual pursuit and inner world," said Li Qiongjing.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Guqin (pinyin: Gǔ Qín) is a traditional Chinese musical instrument with a history of at least 3,500 years. Guqin is also known as Yaoqin, Yuqin and Seven-stringed Qin. The guqin has 13 emblems that mark the rhythm, and is also a ritual and musical instrument. It belongs to the silk in the octave. Guqin has a wide range, deep timbre and long aftertone.

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