Li Pengqi's erhu solo concert interprets "Light is on the Strings"

224 views · Organized by 橘子猫 on 2022-07-28

He is blind in both eyes and cannot see the score, but with his obsession with erhu art, he uses music to light up his life. On the evening of July 25th, "Light is on the Strings - Li Pengqi Erhu Solo Concert" was played in Changsha Concert Hall.

Li Pengqi's erhu solo concert interprets

concert scene

The concert was directed by the Hunan Disabled Persons' Federation and the Hunan Culture and Art Foundation, sponsored by the Changsha Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Film, and Television, and the Education Science and Culture Committee of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Agricultural and Workers Party. Organized by the Musicians Association Datong Society, Hunan National Orchestra Society Huqin Professional Committee and other units.

Li Pengqi, born in Pingjiang, Yueyang, was born in March 1987. He is a medical massage therapist in the Tuina Department of Changsha Traditional Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation Hospital. He is currently a member of the Hunan Musicians Association, a director of the Erhu Society of the Hunan Music Association, and an executive director of the Huqin Professional Committee of the Hunan National Orchestra Society. His vision began to decline at the age of three, and he became blind in both eyes. He learned erhu by himself at the age of nine, and successively studied under Chen Zhijian, Wen Liangliang, Li Feiyan, Liu Zijun and other young teachers. Since 2011, Cai Xia has been a teacher for 11 years. During this period, he has received careful guidance from many provincial experts such as Yang Changan and Chen Xiangran. Li Pengqi is devoted to his post and has superb massage techniques, which is deeply loved by patients. At the same time, he is obsessed with erhu art and has superb performance skills. He has been invited to perform and cooperate with professional troupes for many times, actively participated in important professional competitions, and won many honors for Hunan .

Li Pengqi's erhu solo concert interprets

concert scene

In the concert that night, Song Fei, vice chairman of the Chinese Musicians Association and president of the Erhu Society, served as the art consultant. Cai Xia, a national first-class performer, serves as the music director. The Changsha Symphony Orchestra and the Hunan Chinese Orchestra play the leading roles. Among them, the Changsha Symphony Orchestra is conducted by the young conductor Zou Xiang, and the Hunan Chinese Orchestra is conducted by the young conductor Zhang Wei.

Li Pengqi's erhu solo concert interprets

Well-known erhu performer Song Fei (middle) came to the performance in person

The whole concert is divided into three chapters: Chasing Light and Rhythm, Blending Emotions and Interests, and Chasing Dreams with Flying Strings. There are not only piano and dulcimer accompaniment, but also new performance forms of the trio of Xiao, Erhu and Konghou. Accompanied by the Hunan National Orchestra, Li Pengqi kicked off the concert with an erhu and folk music "Guests from afar, Please Stay".

Later, with the cooperation of piano art director Zheng Qiaoyi and dulcimer accompaniment Long Jie, Li Pengqi successively performed erhu solos "Yuxiang Xing", "Mengfeng", "The Second Erhu Rhapsody", "Shadow Puppet", "Song of the Wanderer", etc. As a classic piece of music, he collaborated with the Hunan National Orchestra for the heartwarming "Wish of the People of Honghu Lake", and performed the trio version of "Erquan Reflecting the Moon" with Xiao and Konghou, and the audience was all moved. Li Pengqi and his instructor Cai Xia also played Erhu, Datong and the symphony "Liuyang Riverside" under the concerto of the Changsha Symphony Orchestra. The warm and touching scene pushed the concert to a climax. At the end of the concert, Li Pengqi and more than a dozen erhu performers performed the erhu unison "War Horse Galloping", and the shocking melody won bursts of applause from the audience.

Li Pengqi's erhu solo concert interprets

Instructor Cai Xia and Li Pengqi performed "Liuyang Riverside" together

Li Pengqi's erhu solo concert interprets

Li Pengqi and more than a dozen erhu performers performed "War Horse Galloping" in unison

The concert also specially invited two blind performers Jin Yuanhui and Mao Di as guest performers, who brought wonderful performances such as piano solo "Valley Sounds" and bamboo flute solo "Spring to the Xiangjiang River".

Li Pengqi's erhu solo concert interprets

Live performance by specially invited blind performers

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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