Ninghongpu School for the elderly helps the elderly realize their dreams

110 views · Organized by 雨童 on 2022-11-24

"I learned the erhu with zero foundation, and after more than a month's study, I can play two simple tunes." Chen Huiqin, a student of Erhu class in Hongpu Town School for the Aged in Huining County, said proudly, "Thanks to teacher Feng Dingcheng's tireless guidance during this period of time, so that my erhu level has been improved qualitously, but also a dream come true." With that, Chen played the erhu again, immersing herself in the two tunes she had recently practiced, Little Star and The East Is Red.

Ninghongpu School for the elderly helps the elderly realize their dreams

In fact, like Chen Huiqin, many of them have no foundation to play the erhu, but they like to watch others play the erhu. Especially in the past, various troupes in the village performed the erhu as a necessary instrument. Many of them have been full of reverence for the teacher who can play the Erhu since childhood, and thus have the dream of learning the Erhu in their hearts. However, they either put their dreams on hold because of busy farm work, they have to give up their dreams because of the limited economic conditions of their families, or they distance themselves from their dreams because of study and work. Now, they come here at the same time for their dreams that have been lost for various reasons before. They come to the school for the elderly to pursue their dreams, pursue their dreams and realize their dreams.

"The students in our class and I are the same age, everyone in the class communication with each other more pleasant, we study together, exchange ideas, common progress, the whole atmosphere is very warm, very harmonious. The students work very hard, not only at school, but also at home. Their erhu skills have improved significantly. As long as they keep at it, they will achieve their dreams." Hongpu Town school Erhu class teacher Feng Dingcheng said happily.

Hongpu Town School for the elderly allows the district of the majority of the elderly to regain their dreams together, they choose their own professional according to their personal interests and advantages, some of them learn Huangmei opera, calligraphy, dance, some of them learn Chinese painting, Erhu, many people also apply for multiple majors, in the school for the elderly this broad stage to round their innermost dreams.

It is reported that Hongpu town gives full play to the role of community position, integration of various resources, as a pilot township took the lead in Huining County to open a school for the elderly, with a total investment of more than 100,000 yuan, equipped with all kinds of teaching equipment and facilities, currently open 5 professional courses, hire part-time teachers 6, equipped with management staff 4, offline registration to participate in the study of more than 150 elderly students. The smooth opening of the school for the elderly, so that the town's elderly groups truly realize the real benefits of "old people learn" to warm the people's heart action, so that the elderly can learn knowledge, make friends, round the dream.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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