The 18th Sakura Erhu Concert was held in Nagoya, Japan

445 views · Organized by Fucui on 2023-04-26

To commemorate the 45th anniversary of the signing of the Sino Japanese Peace and Friendship Treaty, the 18th Sakura Erhu Concert was held in Nagoya, Japan on the 2nd.

This erhu concert, planned by Chinese artist and erhu performer Zhang Bin in Japan, has been held for 18 sessions since 2006, rain or shine. It not only made many Japanese people in Nagoya fall in love with the erhu, but also brought more Japanese people closer to Chinese culture through the erhu.

On that day, Chinese Consul General Yang Xian in Nagoya, Vice Mayor of Nagoya City Songxiong Junxian, Mayor of Guanshi City in Gifu County Ogata Kenji, Chairman of the Japan China Friendship Association Okawa, Minister of Toyota Motor China Daisuke Inoue, Chairman of the 18th Nagoya Chinese Spring Festival Festival Festival Executive Committee Liu Zeqing, and more than 1300 representatives from various sectors of China and Japan, as well as local residents of Nagoya, attended the concert.

In her speech before the concert, Yang Xian stated that this year marks the 45th anniversary of the signing of the China Japan Peace and Friendship Treaty. We should seize the opportunity of the improving epidemic situation, accelerate the resumption of friendly exchanges and practical cooperation in various fields, and make up for the communication and dialogue deficit caused by the epidemic. The Consulate General is willing to work together with various sectors in the central region of Japan to promote mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples through cultural exchange activities such as the cherry blossom erhu concert, and work together to play the main theme of peace and friendly cooperation between China and Japan, contributing local and folk forces to building a China Japan relationship that meets the requirements of the new era.

The 18th Sakura Erhu Concert was held in Nagoya, Japan

The 18th Sakura Erhu Concert was held in Nagoya, Japan

Live Performance of the 18th Sakura Erhu Concert

At the concert, erhu, pipa, and chi ba performers from China and Japan, as well as local erhu enthusiasts and primary and secondary school students, jointly performed exciting songs such as "Come on, Spring", "Wind and Moon in the Same Sky", "Ten Thousand Horses Running", "Wind", "Cherry Blossoms", etc.

Zhang Bin said, "For the past 18 years, the cherry blossom concert has been adhering to the concept of 'promoting friendship between China and Japan, revitalizing erhu culture, collective hosting by the masses, and free appreciation by the audience'. Music knows no borders, and we have been working hard for many years to gather more erhu fans in Japan, allowing more Japanese people to feel the charm of erhu while getting closer to Chinese culture

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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