The 5th "Dunhuang Cup" National Erhu Performance Competition ended successfully

436 views · Organized by CT. on 2022-08-18

On the evening of August 12, with the end of the live broadcast of the sixth online concert, it was hosted by the China Musical Instrument Association and the Shanghai National Musical Instrument No. The "Dunhuang Cup" National Erhu Performance Competition and the "Dunhuang String Sound 2022" China Erhu Summit online special event came to an end.

The 5th

This competition is the thirteenth session of the "Dunhuang Cup" series of national instrumental music competitions and the fifth session of the Erhu individual event. Song Fei, Wang Jianmin, Deng Jiandong, Zhu Changyao, Zhou Wei, Hu Zhiping and nearly 70 first-line erhu performers, composers and educators from domestic higher music academies and art troupes served as judges, and a total of 120 people participated in the grouping review.

Registration for this competition will start in May 2022. The total number of participants has exceeded 2,000, and elite erhu students from all over the country will gather at the "Dunhuang Cup". The breakthrough highlight of this competition is the addition of a professional platinum group. Participants must prepare 11 large and medium-sized erhu works throughout the three rounds of competition. So far, the difficulty of the "Dunhuang Cup" competition has been raised to a new level, and the ability requirements of the contestants have been further improved. In the end, the first place in the professional platinum group was won by Zhang Ye from the China Oriental Song and Dance Troupe.

Based on the development of overseas competition areas in Japan and Singapore in the fourth competition, this year's "Dunhuang Cup" has added a North American competition area, which truly realizes that overseas erhu learners and enthusiasts other than mainland Chinese residents can participate in Chinese instrumental music competitions in their own countries. . Using Chinese musical instruments to perform world works, let the world see the long history, tolerance and self-confidence of Chinese music culture.

The three-year epidemic has limited offline activities. The "Dunhuang Cup" uses the technical means accumulated over a long period of time and the resources gathered to organize the erhu professional event of this scale and concentration with no less energy and investment than the offline competition. , can be described as a sweet rain, which activates the atmosphere of exchange of folk music.

In addition to the competition, the online special event "Dunhuang String Sound 2022" China Erhu Summit was also held. The event includes seven authoritative and professional lectures and live forums, as well as six online concerts with different styles and themes. The summit activities not only improved the competition specifications, but also showcased the artistic style of contemporary erhu performers.

Through more than ten years of accumulation, "Dunhuang Cup" always hopes to focus on the inheritance and development of Chinese erhu art through the concept and practice of "more than competition", and lead people to think about the development method and direction of Chinese erhu art.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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