Who is Zhongruan suitable for?

1169 views · Organized by 黑猫不是喵 on 2022-06-17

Many friends who are interested in music see Zhongruan's appearance and hear Zhongruan's voice, and they can't help but fall in love with Zhongruan. At the same time, they also have a question in their hearts? Am I suitable for playing Zhongruan? I believe that many people have this question, because everyone is not too familiar with Zhongruan, and it is normal to be a little nervous. Let's talk about which groups are suitable for Zhongruan!

Who is Zhongruan suitable for?

1. Physical condition is met. There is no hearing impairment, and the development of the hands is normal. Are the conditions easy? Is it suitable for most people? So you don't have to worry too much about your own conditions.

Second, like music, like art, like Zhongruan. This is very important. With interest, all problems are no longer problems.

Whether you are a lively child, a vigorous teenager, a high-spirited youth, a calm and moderate middle-aged, or a wise old man, you are all suitable for Zhongruan. No matter what gender, no matter what religion, no matter what ethnicity, it doesn't hinder playing Zhongruan. Professional research, leisure to relax, there is no problem.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Zhongruan (pinyin: zhōng ruǎn) is a national plucked musical instrument with a long history in China. It is a traditional plucked musical instrument of the Chinese nation. Because of the mellow, rich tone and wide range of sound, Ruan has become the main instrument in solo, ensemble, and duet in ancient times; in modern times, Ruan can play a powerful role in the orchestra, and Da Ruan and Zhong Ruan are mainly used in national orchestras.

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