Yao Zhen, a farmer in Taiqian County, interprets "Brightness" with the sound of nature

145 views · Organized by 秋色 on 2022-07-15

He was born with congenital hypoplasia of the fundus, but relying on his own beliefs and persistence, in the dark world, he used the sound of nature to interpret "light", and harvested dreams and happiness. He is Yao Zhen, a villager in Yaoshao Village, Jiahe Township, Taiqian County.

   On July 12, the reporter learned in Yao Shaocun that Yao Zhen, who had blurred vision, loved music since childhood, and grew up with a tape recorder. He knew the content of every classic old song like the back of his hand.

   After Yao Zhen graduated from junior high school, he went to Puyang Acrobatic Art School to learn Erhu. After three years of hard training, Yao Zhen found happiness and confidence in the world of music. He often said: "Music, especially the sound of the erhu, has a sense of clarity in life. When I listen to it, all my troubles are thrown away. I choose to accompany music all my life."

   After graduation, Yao Zhen entered the China Conservatory of Music to study. Under the guidance of famous teachers, his erhu skills improved by leaps and bounds. Later, through recruitment, he successively served as the music director of the Beijing Beipiao Art Base and the Beijing Heart Calling Disabled Art Troupe. He was invited to participate in a personal interview titled "I am a Folk Music Crazy" recorded by the CCTV Music Channel, and the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Europe. Special theatrical performance for the 40th anniversary, the first Chinese national musical instrument exhibition in Quanzhou, South Korea, etc.

   Yao Zhen not only aspires to be a useful person, but also tries his best to help more people. After returning to his hometown, Yao Zhen set up an erhu musical instrument training institution in Puyang, which recruited students for a long time, and held open classes and erhu solo concerts from time to time.

   Yao Zhen especially likes to help visually impaired children, he said: "I understand their feelings, and I want to help them with my experience, and finally let them use their skills to achieve employment and gain a foothold in society."

   Yao Zhen has one of the biggest dreams is to carry forward the erhu, let the sound of nature fill the world, and interpret a more brilliant future.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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