Young Erhu Performer Chen Yimiao Pushes Chinese Traditional Folk Music to the International Stage

334 views · Organized by 梦昱 on 2022-10-28

Recently, the video of Chen Yimiao, a Chinese post-00s national music girl, giving a speech in an American museum has attracted wide attention from netizens. It is reported that this is her pure English keynote speech "Erhu: Past and Present" when she participated in the classic special concert "Art Gathering, Beauty and Sharing" jointly held by the Boer Museum and the American Chinese Style Art Association. Chen Yimiao demonstrated the instrumental beauty of erhu in the form of humorous talk show, with continuous applause and praise. Netizens directly said that "traditional folk music will eventually move to a larger stage".

Young Erhu Performer Chen Yimiao Pushes Chinese Traditional Folk Music to the International Stage

On October 27, Chen Yimiao, a young erhu player, was interviewed. She shared her experience of growing up with erhu since childhood, and told her love for erhu and her determination to promote traditional Chinese culture.

Chen Yimiao told the reporter that her grandfather was Chen Yaoxing, a famous erhu player. As the third generation successor of "Chen's erhu", she began to learn erhu from the age of four. At the age of 18, she has been admitted to the Berkeley Conservatory of Music with a full scholarship.

Young Erhu Performer Chen Yimiao Pushes Chinese Traditional Folk Music to the International Stage

In Chen Yimiao's opinion, the erhu plays four roles around her - pet, friend, idol and "the most mysterious person".

"Because as long as you love your pet, it will not leave you. The erhu is the same to me. My efforts to it will never be let down, and I will get endless feedback. I have stayed with erhu every day since I was young. It has been with me for the longest time. I will tell it what I want to say every day, and it will reply to my beautiful melody, just like a close friend. And we regard it as an idol because of our love for idols There will be no demands and selflessness. I think the same is true of erhu; Sometimes I always feel that it has a magical power, which can make me stand on the stage and sparkle, or let me practice hard in the room for 12 hours. The erhu is like a mysterious person with magic power, always surprises me... "

Young Erhu Performer Chen Yimiao Pushes Chinese Traditional Folk Music to the International Stage

Effort and talent have pushed Chen Yimiao to a higher stage, and also let the world hear the voice of China - Chen Yimiao won the runner up in the finals of the world's top talent show World's Got Talent in 2019 on Hunan Satellite TV, and David Foster, the pop music godfather, praised her after watching her performance: "You will become China's national treasure... the world will know you". Chen Yimiao composed and sang "Jincheng Youth Trip", which became one of the theme promotion songs of the Chengdu Universiade; Participated in the film Dune Ensemble Challenge initiated by Hans Zimmer, the world's top film score master, and was praised by the master on multiple social platforms. In 2022, he will go to Los Angeles to participate in the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the United States.

At the end of the interview, Chen Yimiao said that she hoped to retain the advantages of Chinese traditional music, find a better combination way at present, integrate the cultural spirit of "Generation Z" into erhu, and promote Chinese traditional culture to the international stage

Reference materials and contributors

Involving the artist

Chen Yimiao, born in Beijing on June 18, 2004, is an erhu player in mainland China and the third-generation descendant of Chen's erhu.
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Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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