Jointly produce national musical instruments and play the song of national unity

136 views · Organized by Eno Elvis on 2023-03-16

On March 15, when walking into Qiongaiyila Village, Dongmaili Town, Gongliu County, Saimaiti Tulahong, a professional producer of national musical instruments, was debugging the instrument Dongbula in his hand, and his apprentice Yiliansi was also concentrating on processing the materials and accessories in his hand. Saimaiti has more than 30 years of experience in making musical instruments. It produces a wide range of musical instruments, almost covering the main ethnic musical instruments sold on the market. Because of the production of musical instruments, many villagers in the village have an indissoluble bond with him. For more than ten years, they have jointly produced many national instruments and composed songs of national unity.

"To make a Dongbula, you need to cut the wood first, then bake the wood into shape with fire, and then splice, carve, and wind the wood," said Saimaiti, waving his knife to cut and shape the original wood. Early in the morning, in the small workshop of the Saimaiti family, he was teaching the new apprentice the process of making musical instruments. The craftsman Saimaiti has been engaged in the carpentry industry. Because of his obsession with instrumental music, he began to try to make some national musical instruments. After decades of training, now he is proficient in the production methods of more than 10 kinds of musical instruments, such as Duta, Dongbula, and Tanbule. The produced musical instruments are loved by the masses because of their exquisite and beautiful appearance, and have come to order or repair the instruments, He also became a well-known "master of musical instruments" in the village.

Jointly produce national musical instruments and play the song of national unity

The villager Saimaiti Turahon said: "The production of national musical instruments is a delicate work. It can't be sloppy at any moment. Every process must be careful. Take Dongbula, which everyone knows, as an example. It takes about a week from material selection to production to finished products."

Every afternoon, Saimaiti's home will always hear a pleasant sound of instrumental music, which is a habit he has developed over the years while playing the newly produced national instruments. The beautiful sound has also attracted many people who are interested in making and singing musical instruments to come to him to learn. Now, he focuses on cultivating successors. Over the years, he has received more than 30 apprentices, imparting his lifelong skills without reservation, and helping them to become rich through the production of musical instruments.

Yilians is a villager of Qiongaiyila Village. He grew up watching folk artists play national instruments. He also developed a strong interest in national instruments. He is a true enthusiast of national instruments. Previously, he used his spare time to learn and make national instruments from television and the Internet while working. Two years ago, because of their work, Saimaiti and Yiliansi met and became good friends because of their common interests. For the past two years, Elias would go to the Saimaiti house as soon as he was free. They talked about family life, played music and studied national instruments together. The common love makes them know each other, become good teachers, good friends, good brothers, learn from each other, help each other, support each other, and jointly make national instruments, playing the song of national unity.

Jointly produce national musical instruments and play the song of national unity

Villager Yilians: "Saimaiti is my master. His skills are very high, and our feelings are also very good. We make musical instruments together, communicate and learn from each other. I believe that my relationship with Saimaiti will become better and better, and our children will continue to continue our brotherhood.".

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward "consolidating and improving the basic rural management system and developing the new rural collective economy". In the next stage, the "visiting and gathering" task force and the "two committees" of the village plan to set up a musical instrument production cooperative in the village, build a new musical instrument production workshop, centralize the management of multiple scattered households, and let Saimaiti personally teach the villagers' piano making technology, transform the advantages of local fruit and wood raw materials into economic advantages, and drive more villagers to stabilize employment.

Zulipia Aishanjiang, director of the village committee of Qiongaiyila village, said: "Now there are many people who are learning musical instrument production from Saimaiti, not only from our village, but also from nearby villagers. We have plans to set up musical instrument production cooperatives in the village, recruit students, teach skills, and increase economic income after learning."

Involving musical instruments

Akendumbra (pinyin: ā kěn dōng bù lā) is a Kazakh plucked stringed musical instrument. The Kazakh language "Aken" means "folk singer". Akendumbra is a tombula commonly used by folk singers when they play and sing.

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