Love, get up! Folk music super burning version "Blood Jianghu"
146 views · Organized by 愛 on 2022-08-13

The original song "Blood Jianghu" is really too hot and bloody! This time, I tried to adapt it with the classic melody of "Wu Liuqi" Shadow Assassin, I hope you can like it~

Arrangement/Recording: Gao Qunpu

Mix/Guitar: S

Filming: Zhang Yuhang and Mang Fu

Editing/Post-production: Zhang Yuhang

Guzheng: National Rabbit 2333

Pipa: Pipa Surprised

Flute/Xiao: Yin Yiyi

Zhongruan: Little Red Boom

Involving the artist

Guofeng Miaomi is a well-known music UP master at station B. Currently, there are 161,000 fans. His videos mainly focus on playing the national musical instrument pipa, rewriting two-dimensional music, and mainly Guofeng music.
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Involving musical instruments

Xiao (pinyin: xiāo), divided into dongxiao and qinxiao. And because the flute has a hole, it is different from the pan flute without a hole, so it is called "dongxiao". The xiao has a long history, the sound is round and soft, quiet and elegant, suitable for solo and ensemble. It is generally made of bamboo with blow holes at the top.
Pipa (pinyin: pí pa), the first plucked instrument, is a traditional plucked instrument in East Asia, a plucked stringed musical instrument. Made of wood or bamboo, the speaker is half-pear-shaped and has four strings on the top. It was originally made of silk thread, but now it is mostly made of steel wire, steel rope and nylon.
Dizi (pinyin: dí zi), also known as the horizontal flute, is generally used as an important musical instrument to accompany opera.
Zhongruan (pinyin: zhōng ruǎn) is a national plucked musical instrument with a long history in China. It is a traditional plucked musical instrument of the Chinese nation. Because of the mellow, rich tone and wide range of sound, Ruan has become the main instrument in solo, ensemble, and duet in ancient times; in modern times, Ruan can play a powerful role in the orchestra, and Da Ruan and Zhong Ruan are mainly used in national orchestras.
Guzheng (pinyin: Gǔ Zhēng), also known as Hanzheng and Qinzheng, is an ancient national musical instrument of the Han nationality and is popular all over China. It is often used for solo, duet, instrumental ensemble and accompaniment of song and dance, opera and folk art. Because of its wide range, beautiful timbre, rich playing skills and strong expressiveness, it is known as the "King of Music", also known as "Oriental Piano", and is one of the unique and important national musical instruments in China.

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