Jiang Kemei

Organized by 辞惘 on 2022-04-14
Introduction to Jiang Kemei(banhu)Master performer

Jiang Kemei, born in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, is a huqin player. He is currently the director and master tutor of the folk music department of Harbin Conservatory of Music.

At the age of 13, he was admitted to the Central Conservatory of Music under the tutelage of Banhu educator Professor Li Heng. In addition to majoring in Banhu, he also systematically studied Jinghu, Gaohu, Erhu, and Zhonghu huqin. Among these huqin, although there are commonalities, there are more obvious differences. In order to seek teachers and learn art, she went north and south, received careful guidance from famous huqin masters in the north and south, and learned from others' strengths to form her own unique playing style. In early 1988, on the eve of her university graduation, she held the "Jiang Kemei Huqin Solo Concert" at the Beijing Concert Hall, using 5 kinds of huqin to express different styles of works, and since then she has won the reputation of "Wuhu Music Girl".

As the daughter-in-law of Chaoyang people in Shantou, Jiang Kemei has traveled to many countries in Asia, Europe, North America and more than 40 large and medium-sized cities in China, as well as Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other regions,

Born in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, Jiang Kemei was talented and intelligent since childhood. She was good at singing and dancing, and loved folk opera. At the age of 13, she was admitted to the Central Conservatory of Music under the tutelage of Banhu educator Professor Li Heng. In her academic life for several years, she studied diligently and practiced hard. In addition to majoring in Banhu, she systematically studied Jinghu, Gaohu, Erhu and Zhonghu huqin. Among these huqin, although there are commonalities, there are more obvious differences. In order to seek teachers and learn art, she went north and south, received careful guidance from famous huqin masters in the north and south, and learned from others' strengths to form her own unique playing style. In early 1988, on the eve of her university graduation, she held the "Jiang Kemei Huqin Solo Concert" at the Beijing Concert Hall. She used 5 kinds of Huqin to express works of different styles, which was rare before this time.

Looking at the artistic journey she has gone through for more than ten years, with the continuous pursuit of folk music art, she has a deeper understanding and understanding of music works, and has a deeper artistic connotation, which can be seen in her performance style. Almost every time she plays, she always walks along the front of the stage from the right side of the stage, with her head lowered slightly, with one hand playing the piano and one hand holding up her skirt, looking graceful. She sits calmly, without publicity, and sits naturally; when she enters the performance state, she carves more with her deep understanding of the music. It can be seen that she understands the music so thoroughly and ponders it so delicately, but everything is different. It is so commonplace, natural and simple.

For more than ten years, she has cooperated with many famous orchestras and conductors at home and abroad, and has successfully held a series of Huqin solo and concerto concerts. He has recorded a large number of music pieces and various special programs of solo recitals and many other media at home and abroad, and also recorded Huqin music for many movies and TV series. In addition, he also recorded a number of Huqin works for several companies, including "Chinese Banhu", "Huqin Light Music", "Jingfeng", etc. In recent years, she has also launched a number of influential national instrumental music TV works, among which "Yu Ji", "Chun Xiao" and "Both Sides of the Han River" won the "Second, Third, and Fifth National Gold Medal in the Urban Instrumental TV Show Competition". She is currently a member of the Chinese Musicians Association, a director of the Chinese National Orchestra Society, and a member of the All-China Youth Federation.

In 1988, she became famous in Beijing for holding five kinds of Huqin concerts, and since then she has won the reputation of "Wuhu Music Girl". Yesterday, Jiang Kemei, who returned to her hometown Shenyang ahead of schedule, was interviewed by reporters for the comprehensive ethnic concert "Huazhiqing Xiazhiyun" hosted by Liaoning Provincial National Orchestra Society and undertaken by New Taste Culture Communication Co., Ltd. her artistic experience and insights.

Talking about her own road to fame, Jiang Kemei is very indifferent: "As an artist, it is necessary to endure loneliness, and it is fundamental to cultivate one's own talents." The films "No One Can Be Missed" and "My Father and Mother" directed by Zhang Yimou "The soundtrack, in Jiang Kemei's view, this is just pure music creation, she doesn't care who the director is. I only met Zhang Yimou once in the recording studio. In Jiang Kemei's eyes, Director Zhang is serious and strict, and he is very serious about art.

At 19:00 on July 15th, this national concert will be held at the Liaoning Grand Theater. Many famous performers will perform on stage, including young guzheng performer Wang Zhongshan, Huqin performer Jiang Kemei, and associate professor Erhu He of Shenyang Conservatory of Music. Gaohu player Yin Zaishen and Shenyang Conservatory of Music associate professor dulcimer Yu Haiying.

On June 29, 2017, he signed a contract with the Harbin Conservatory of Music and served as the head of the Department of Folk Music and a master tutor.

Reference materials and contributors

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