
matouqin artist

He Xige, male, born on January 17, 1976 in Ar Horqin Banner, Zhaowuda League (today's Chifeng), Inner Mongolia, Mongols, is a famous Morin khuur performer.
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The "Morin Khuur Chamber Band", led by Qingle, the chief Morin Khuur player of Inner Mongolia Ethnic Song and Dance Theater, plays the album "Music Code: Morin Khuur", which leads the listeners to walk into the grassland, feel the sky and clouds, sheep and herders in the melodramatic music.
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Jiri Gala Matouqin is a high-quality up master of station B. Currently, there are 6590 fans. His videos mainly focus on playing Matouqin and spreading the culture of Matouqin.
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Qi Baoligao, male, born on February 2, 1944 in Horqin Grassland, Inner Mongolia, Mongolian nationality, representative inheritor of Mongolian matouqin music in the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage projects, vice president of Inner Mongolia National Song and Dance Theatre, national A first-class actor.
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HuurMusic is an up-master in the music area of station B. There are currently 5711 fans. His videos mainly focus on matouqin renditions and teaching courses, spanning traditional Chinese famous songs, popular songs, and two-dimensional elements.
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