The application of sweeping skills in pipa performance——Taking "House of Flying Daggers" as an example

416 views · Organized by 茯苓 on 2022-06-02

Pipa Martial Arts refers to the use of vivid musical language to express a certain storyline, with a grander momentum and a larger structure. In Pipa Wuqu, technique is the concrete shaper of the musical image, so various sweeping techniques are used extensively. The specific performance requirements of sweeping skills should be seen from the development of the music plot. Let's analyze the application of sweeping skills in "House of Flying Daggers".

The application of sweeping skills in pipa performance——Taking

"House of Flying Daggers" is a well-known traditional set of martial arts for Pipa. Known all over the world for its unique musical expression. The content of the music is magnificent and brilliant, and the style is majestic and peculiar, which is rare in classical music. This piece of music is based on the formation of an ambush by the Han army in 202 BC when the Chu and Han troops fought a decisive battle at Gaixia (now southeast of Lingbi County, Anhui). Thus completely defeated the Chu army. It was written by forcing Xiang Yu to sum up and summarize the historical fact that he had killed the Wujiang River. "House of Flying Daggers" has emotion in the scenes, scenes in the emotions, and the scenes are blended. It depicts the ancient battlefield with swords, lights, swords and shadows vividly. The focus of the music is on the ambush and the spectacle, and the description of the war scene. Speaking of the use of sweeping techniques in "House of Flying Daggers", it is too much. Using sweeping techniques to reflect the drama of martial arts is his forte.

"House of Flying Daggers" is divided into thirteen paragraphs, all with titles, which can be divided into three parts:

Part 1: Write about the preparations of the Han army before the war and the lineup of the Han army

(1) "Lie Camp" is the preface of the whole song, showing the inspiring scene of the golden drums and war horns sounding in unison before the expedition, and the crowd shouting. The music gradually becomes faster, the rhythm is free and full of changes. From the very beginning of the story, the "Fluff Wheel" technique is used to render the atmosphere. Suddenly, the murderous aura is about to explode. The "Fluff Wheel" here is the key. Deep, the force must be fierce, and the difficulty is that the speed of winding and winding should be fast on the basis of deep entry, and the fingers should be close to the double hand, which produces a resolute and sharp music effect. Combined with the above performance, the sound effect is awe-inspiring. It is quite shocking. The effect of the wheel at the beginning will affect the playing aura of the whole song to the whole song. Therefore, you must practice more on the basis of knowledge until you can. "Swipe Wheel" is followed by "Continuous Swipe". The speed of "Sweep" should increase from slow to fast, the number of strings should increase from few to many, and the intensity from weak to strong.

(2) "Blowing", the "Blowing" segment mainly uses the ring finger, and the musical mood is crescendo. Therefore, when the music theme of the second paragraph is repeated for the last time, it becomes a sweeping wheel, and the strumming in it The strength should be crescendo, the strings should be entered from shallow to deep, and the speed should be fast. When playing, it should be at a 45-degree angle. Pay attention to the harmony of the overall tone.

(3) There is no sweeping technique in this paragraph of "pointing general".

(4) "Arrangement" starts with a crescendo from the cover, and at the end, the first sound of each beat is converted into a sweep, and the crescendo goes on with the music. The strumming here should be shallow, the speed should be quite fast, the angle of the strumming should be greater than the previous 60 degrees, and the hand should be far away from the double hand, so as to achieve a brisk and crisp sound effect, showing that the soldiers trained in an orderly and sassy manner Arrange Chen style.

(5) There is a certain contrast between the music of "Walking Team" and the previous one, and the techniques of "covering, dividing" and "covering and drawing" are used to show the military's brave and vigorous majesty. The playing method here is the same as that of the fourth paragraph, and the emphasis is on the performance of the soldiers training in an orderly manner and marching in a gallant manner.

The second part: depicting the scenes of soldiers connecting with swords, lights and swords on the battlefield of Chu and Han

(6) The "Ambush" segment shows that on the eve of the decisive battle, the Han army was ambushing soldiers at Gaixia, the weather was quiet and tense, which paved the way for the next two segments. As soon as you find an ambush, you squat quickly, which is why you press a whisk after a long music festival in the piece. The overall timbre of this section must be clear, and the brush should not be too strong. In the dense and clear music, it depicts the scene where Liu Jun dragged hundreds of thousands of horses and quietly arranged them under the moonlight and waited mysteriously. But in fact, it has been murderous, and ambushed from all sides.

(7) "Chicken Crow Small Battle" is a specific description of the scene in which the two armies of Chu and Han are facing each other and the breath is short of breath. The use of strumming, long wheels, rolling strings, and shattering strings combined in many voice heads depicts the war scenes of swords and guns very dramatically. Here, the strum of the sound head should be crisp, fast, shallow, strong, and the hand should be far away from the position of the double hand.

(8) The "Battle of Jiulishan" depicts the life and death fight between the two armies. The sound of horses' hooves, swords, and soldiers' shouts are stacked on top of each other, shocking people's hearts. It mainly uses the alternate playing method of "drawing, rowing, playing, rowing", and then uses techniques such as spelling double strings, pushing and pulling, etc., to push the music to a climax. It is one of the main passages of this song.

The third part: a total of two paragraphs describe the scene of Xiang Yu's suicide by the Wujiang River after his defeat

(9) This paragraph of "Xiang Wang defeated the battle" uses a large amount of the technique of "Phoenix Nodding". There is also the sound of horse hooves played by "Clip Sweeping". The following is a special talk about "Sweeping the Strings" in the last section. The strumming should be neat and vigorous, and the strings should be broken immediately after sweeping. The specific playing method should be shallow, strong, and fast.

(10) "Wujiang Suicide" has a free rhythm, a lot of changes in speed, repeated homophony and close rhythm of horse hoofs alternately, showing the desperate scene of King Xiang and the Han army who escaped from the encirclement and fled, followed by a tragic melody, expressing After Xiang Yu committed suicide, the last four chords were "slashed" and the "sha" sound came to an abrupt end. Generally, the performance ends here. Some scores also describe the scene of Liu Bang's triumphant return after winning, which is not repeated here. Explain one by one, the performer's own understanding of the music to choose whether to perform the last three paragraphs or not.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Pipa (pinyin: pí pa), the first plucked instrument, is a traditional plucked instrument in East Asia, a plucked stringed musical instrument. Made of wood or bamboo, the speaker is half-pear-shaped and has four strings on the top. It was originally made of silk thread, but now it is mostly made of steel wire, steel rope and nylon.

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