The artistic interpretation and artistic conception exploration of the famous Pipa song "Spring River Flower Moonlight Night"

269 views · Organized by 晚荣 on 2024-02-19

The famous Pipa song "Spring River Flowers and Moon Night" is a musical masterpiece bearing strong Chinese classical aesthetic implication and Jiangnan water town customs. Its artistic charm traverses time and space and is timeless. The song originated from the poem of the same name by the scholar Zhang Ruoxu in the Tang Dynasty, but passed down to the later generations in the form of instrumental music, and has become the most representative classic of Chinese folk music after many adaptations and interpretations in modern times.

The artistic interpretation and artistic conception exploration of the famous Pipa song

The musical structure of "Spring River and Moon Night" is cleverly described in segments, and the whole piece is generally divided into ten or more sections, each part seems to be an independent but interrelated sound painting. Starting from the "River Tower bell and drum", the melodious melody unfolds slowly like a light and elegant ink painting, leading the audience into the riverside world in the spring night. Subsequently, chapters such as "The Moon on the East Mountain" and "The Wind returning the water" depict the river under the moonlight, the shadow of flowers under the breeze and the natural scene of water caressing the shore, creating a quiet and profound artistic conception.

The musical language of this piece is rich and diverse, and various elements such as moonlight, water, flowers and boats are vividly presented through the unique skills of the pipa such as string kneading, finger rotation and rolling playing. It not only praises the harmonious beauty of nature, but also uses the scenery to express one's feelings in the scenery, showing the ancient literati's unique understanding of life philosophy and the profound pursuit of life realm.

In different versions of the performance, "Spring River Flowers and Moon Night" not only retains the traditional and simple charm, but also through the innovative interpretation of contemporary musicians such as Zhao Cong and other people, into the modern sense of rhythm and more rich musical expression, so that the music picture of this thousand years can glow more brilliant in the new era background.

In short, as a shining pearl of Chinese traditional music, "Spring River and Moon Night" reveals the charm of ancient Chinese music art to the world with its gentle and elegant melody lines and profound and mellow cultural connotation, and also becomes one of the important carriers for the inheritance and development of excellent traditional Chinese culture.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Pipa (pinyin: pí pa), the first plucked instrument, is a traditional plucked instrument in East Asia, a plucked stringed musical instrument. Made of wood or bamboo, the speaker is half-pear-shaped and has four strings on the top. It was originally made of silk thread, but now it is mostly made of steel wire, steel rope and nylon.

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