The embodiment of heroic and tragic aesthetic characteristics in pipa works

82 views · Organized by 赵锦辛 on 2022-06-13

"Generally speaking, we usually divide the many basic conditions that affect the formation of national aesthetic psychology into three parts or levels: natural system, social system, and the 'collective unconscious' as a deep psychological structure." Among them, the most fundamental are the first two parts, and the latter "collective unconscious", as the deep structure of national aesthetic psychology, is formed on the basis of the former, surpasses all personal experience, and obtains universal knowledge from heredity. "Racial Memory". With a vast territory and rich resources, China has formed a national character of implicit modesty, pro-nature, and empathy in the cultural atmosphere of thousands of years. In Wang Guangqi's view, "that is, love peace, love courtesy, pay attention to friendship, and despise fame and fortune."

The embodiment of heroic and tragic aesthetic characteristics in pipa works

At the same time, there are also personality characteristics such as "perseverance", "unremitting self-improvement" and "powerful indomitable". If many poets use pine, bamboo, plum and other images to express their aspirations, the secret bloom of plum blossoms, and the independent character of pine trees are all manifestations of the character of the Chinese nation. In the long river of history, there are many stories of people with lofty ideals that reflect the Chinese national spirit of perseverance, perseverance, and never giving up. These national spirits can be expressed not only through words, but also through music. Different from the expression of words, music imitates various scenes and sounds through various techniques, so that the audience can better enter the scene. Therefore, in many traditional music aesthetics, there are many musical works that focus on subtlety, restraint, sadness, sorrow and thinking about life.

As we all know the story of "high mountains and flowing waters meet bosom friends", the ancient song "high mountains and flowing waters" is closely related to this story, which just reflects the above-mentioned natural system conditions among the many basic conditions that affect the formation of national aesthetic psychology. The works have both "mountains" and "flowing water". They express their feelings between mountains and rivers. While showing the magnificence of mountains and rivers and their love for nature, they also use the scenery to express their emotions and express their emotions through the scene of mountains and rivers. Contemplation on life and the world, praise and yearning for beautiful friendship.

Mr. Liu Dehai's pipa work "The Swan - First to the Righteous" created in 1984 is a very representative piece in his "Life". The song describes various movements of swans in life, such as swans staying on the lake, swans playing in the water, swans shaking their feathers, swans flying high, etc., and the dynamic beauty of swans is described with music. Swans give the public the impression of being holy, flawless, noble and indifferent. Through the beautiful melody, Mr. Liu Dehai expresses the positive, holy and indifferent attitude of the swan, thus reflecting Mr. Liu Dehai's pursuit of the quality of life - integrity.

Involving musical instruments

Pipa (pinyin: pí pa), the first plucked instrument, is a traditional plucked instrument in East Asia, a plucked stringed musical instrument. Made of wood or bamboo, the speaker is half-pear-shaped and has four strings on the top. It was originally made of silk thread, but now it is mostly made of steel wire, steel rope and nylon.

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