Art soaring: An analysis of the artistic conception and technique of the famous pipa song "The Great Peng Spreads its Wings"

102 views · Organized by 秋色 on 2024-06-18

In the bright sky of Chinese traditional music, as a classic solo pipa concerto, "The Roc Spreads its Wings" has become a model to show the charm of pipa music with its magnificent momentum, far-reaching artistic conception and exquisite playing skills. Inspired by the mythical image of "Roc", this song vividly depicts the magnificent scene of a roc bird flying high on its wings and traveling for nine days, symbolizing the heroic feelings of aiming high and not afraid of difficulties.

Art soaring: An analysis of the artistic conception and technique of the famous pipa song

Background and meaning of the song

"Roc Spreading its Wings" is not directly from ancient times, but the product of modern composers based on traditional cultural materials, which combines the essence of traditional pipeggio with modern aesthetic taste. Symbolized by the roc, the music allegorically narrates the spiritual pursuit of freedom, transcendence and courage. In Zhuangzi's original work, the roc is "flying in anger, its wings hanging like clouds in the sky", symbolizing the ideal state of unrestrained and free flight, a theme that is given new life in the music.

Musical structure and expression

The musical structure of "Roc Wings" is exquisite, usually including introduction, theme development, climax and epilogue several parts, through the change of rhythm, intensity and timbral color, to create the whole process of the roc from quiet momentum to a soaring sky. In the introduction part, the pipa is slowly laid out with a low and powerful note, just like the roc's deep dive in the North Sea, accumulating strength for the later soaring. As the tune gradually rises, the music of the theme part is like the wings of a roc, the melody is beautiful and passionate, showing a spectacular scene of soaring into the sky. In the climax, the intensive fingling and strong emotional release simulate the freedom and joy of the roc soaring at 90,000 miles in the air, and the skills of the pipa such as the glides and trills are used incisively and vividly, bringing the audience into a realm beyond the world. The end is gradually returning to calm, meaning Dapeng return to Ning, all return to quiet, leaving the audience infinite reverie.

A blend of skill and emotion

The performance of "The Roc's Wings" requires the performer to have a high degree of skill and expressiveness. A large number of pipa playing skills are used in the music, such as rolling, sweeping, picking, finger rotation, etc. These skills not only require precision, but also need to be closely connected with the emotional expression of the music. Through rapid finger changes and force changes, the intensity, speed and emotion of the roc's flight are shown. Players need to deeply understand the connotation of the music, the skills into the music, so that each pluck is full of vitality, so that the listener seems to witness the magnificent picture of the roc soaring.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Pipa (pinyin: pí pa), the first plucked instrument, is a traditional plucked instrument in East Asia, a plucked stringed musical instrument. Made of wood or bamboo, the speaker is half-pear-shaped and has four strings on the top. It was originally made of silk thread, but now it is mostly made of steel wire, steel rope and nylon.

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