Daily Art "One-day Art Marathon" : Enjoy three major exhibitions and crossover performances online and offline

170 views · Organized by 亦寒 on 2022-11-10

A pair of dancers danced to the music of "From the New World", leading the audience into the "Eternal Muxia" exhibition hall of Guardian Art Center to visit; Famous wind player Ding Xiaokui and young dancer Jiang Lingjing, in the "Kengo Kuma Architectural Design Exhibition" in the tea room to bring an immersive "Shakuhachi modern dance" crossover performance; At the exhibition of Qing Dynasty Martial Arts Collection in the Palace Museum, young performer Hu Yubo's Guzheng "General's Order" led the audience through time and space... Recently, Peking University Business and Art Research Center collaborated with Guardian Art Center for the first time to jointly plan and launch the first Daily Art "One-day Art Marathon" activity. From 10 am to 10 PM, three annual word-of-mouth exhibitions, academic lectures and art crossover performances were integrated, which made the audience enjoy the scene. And attracted nearly 400,000 people through the network live online participation.

Daily Art

At 10 am, the reporter entered the "Eternal Muxia" exhibition hall and saw a beautiful and elegant Modeng dance by young dancers Jia Haozhe and Wang Siyao, the explanation by guide Wei Ying, the wonderful lecture "Bohemia in Music" by Professor Liu Xuefeng of Peking University Opera Institute, and the cello solo by young performer Wang Yuxin... Let people from the history, culture, music, art and other perspectives, all-round understanding of Czech artist Mucha's wonderful ideas and feelings of home and country. "I used to think Muxia's paintings were particularly beautiful, but today I realized that he is a patriotic artist and very innovative."

At 1:30 p.m., after viewing more than 150 pieces of exhibits at "Chong Wei Yao De -- An Exhibition of Martial Arts in the Qing Dynasty in the Palace Museum," We attended a lecture on the Hunting at Mulan Weichang by Mr. Wang Zhiwei, Director of the Palace History Office of the Palace Museum Press, in the staged exhibition hall. After listening to the lecture, from the first floor of the exhibition hall to the ground floor of the "Five senses of architecture - Kengo Kuma Architectural design exhibition", the famous wind player Ding Xiaokui and young dancer Jiang Lingjing, in the architect Kengo Kuma specially designed for the exhibition in the teahouse, for close to the audience brought the immersive "Shakuhachi & modern dance" impromptu crossover performance "empty".

At 7:30 p.m., when I returned to the exhibition hall of "Chongwei Yaode -- Exhibition of Qing Dynasty Martial Arts Collected in the Palace Museum", I suddenly heard the clang of harp in my ears. The young performer Hu Yubo's guzheng song "General's Order" excited the audience.

At 9 PM, the final chapter of the Daily Art symphony, Muxia Serenade, was staged. It was choreographed by young artist Shi Qing and performed by three pairs of outstanding young dancers, Zhou Chun and Zhu Tong, Qi Guokai and Nie Ziyi, Fu Yinxuan and Wang Yixuan, realizing the crossover artistic creation of the trinity of "sound and painting dance". In the dancers' desire and the audience's reluctant to part, the whole activity came to an end. Both the audience and the artists expressed the hope that there would be more such opportunities in the future to experience beautiful and rich art together.

Zhao Longkai, director of the Center for Business and Art Research at Peking University, said, "With an open and integrated attitude, the event balanced across exhibitions, forms and time and space, presenting a 12-hour non-stop art marathon for everyone. "This Daily Art Crossover Symphony will also be the beginning to make art everyday and provide more possibilities to create a multi-layered structure that is intertwined and integrated."

Involving the artist

Ding Xiaokui is a young wind musician of the Central Chinese Orchestra.
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Involving musical instruments

Shakuhachi (pinyin: Chǐ bā), an ancient Chinese traditional musical instrument, was introduced to Japan during the Tang and Song Dynasties. Made of bamboo, with cinnabar mixed with lacquer on the inside to fill the (ground) incision, it is now five holes (the first four and the last one). Vast, but also can show the ethereal, quiet artistic conception.
Guzheng (pinyin: Gǔ Zhēng), also known as Hanzheng and Qinzheng, is an ancient national musical instrument of the Han nationality and is popular all over China. It is often used for solo, duet, instrumental ensemble and accompaniment of song and dance, opera and folk art. Because of its wide range, beautiful timbre, rich playing skills and strong expressiveness, it is known as the "King of Music", also known as "Oriental Piano", and is one of the unique and important national musical instruments in China.

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