Guqin learning: from entry to mastery you are only one piece away

90 views · Organized by 钟离 on 2022-06-23

Do you think I want to recommend a piece of music to everyone, and if you learn this piece, you can turn from an amateur guqin enthusiast to a senior guqin master? Then you are wrong! On the contrary, what I want to share today is how to break through the bottleneck period in the process of learning Guqin and make your piano skills take a big step; let each piece you play have a quality from "beginner" to "proficient". leap!

Guqin learning: from entry to mastery you are only one piece away

In fact, many people understand a truth. It is not that the more songs you play and the higher the performance level, the stronger your ability must be. This is just one of the criteria for judging ability. Some students can already play high-level pieces such as "Flowing Water" and "Xiaoxiang Shuiyun", but they are not satisfied with their piano skills. The charm of the little song "Autumn Wind Ci" for beginners who have just started is not a star and a half from that of the famous masters! Therefore, everyone is now starting to pay attention to basic skills, detailed processing of music, musical expression, etc. How to break through the bottleneck period and improve piano skills can be summarized as the following three points:

1. Reflection

Reflect on your shortcomings, what do you most need to correct? What problem do you most urgently need to solve? At this time, someone may immediately answer me: Teacher, my basic skills are relatively weak! The range of basic skills is huge! Is it a hand shape? Playing incoherently? Which fingering is wrong? Specific problems are analyzed in detail, so this reflection must be detailed, grasping the most delicate problems and correcting them in a targeted manner is the fundamental method to solve the problem.

2. Song selection

The selection of music is a very important part. For different problems, choosing different music for practice will get twice the result with half the effort. If you want to practice your right fingering to be picky and picky, "Smile from the Sea" is the best choice. If your left-hand press is not good, then choose "Xianweng Cao" to practice. One of the ways to improve the efficiency of piano practice is to choose a suitable piece of music to practice to fill in your weak links.

3. Refinement

If you want to improve, you must study hard! General practice, always stop at the elementary level and cannot progress, what is general playing? I sat in front of the piano table with my head empty and my hands were numb and mechanically practiced for 30 minutes, reassuring myself that today's practice time was enough to do other things. This kind of task-like practice is just perfunctory. If you want to learn well, you have to play the piano with questions and brains, find the shortcomings over and over again, ponder the details over and over again, and correct them over and over again, so that the piano skills will become more and more refined.

Superb piano skills can never be defined by a fixed piece of music. But a piece of music can distinguish the level of piano skills. If you do the above three points, I believe your piano skills will definitely be improved to a higher level!

Involving musical instruments

Guqin (pinyin: Gǔ Qín) is a traditional Chinese musical instrument with a history of at least 3,500 years. Guqin is also known as Yaoqin, Yuqin and Seven-stringed Qin. The guqin has 13 emblems that mark the rhythm, and is also a ritual and musical instrument. It belongs to the silk in the octave. Guqin has a wide range, deep timbre and long aftertone.

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