
three-stringed piano news

Put on the drum stand, tune the three strings, the drums start, the three strings move... On the 5th, at the New Era Civilization Practice Station in Tayayi Village, Tayayi Township, Laiyuan County, Hebei Province, Jin You and Wang Shumin, two octogenarians The Xihe drum performance officially opened. Gold has a clean and tidy strumming and passionate singing; Wang Shumin's ...
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In 2006, with the approval of the State Council, Suzhou Pingtan was included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list. Changshu is known as "the first book dock in the south of the Yangtze River". Once, there was an old saying in the Pingtan circle: storytellers walking on the dock in Changshu can stay for three consecutive years. This remark not only shows the lar...
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Near Ganjia Lane on the north side of Xitang Street, Pingwang Town, Suzhou, there is a teahouse and bookstore called Wenyuan. The teahouse and bookstore refers to the establishment of a bookstore in the teahouse, and the teahouse and the bookstore are two in one. A small alley running east-west is formed between the bookstore and the house to the north. The ground is covered wit...
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"Joke Tan" is a form of folk singing, which has the form of opera. Its performances are often interspersed in the middle of Meihu plays, appearing at the request of the audience. The most prominent feature is that it has strong entertainment, and it is a humorous art that is known for laughing, speaking and performing. "Kongtong Xiaotan" is also called "Xiaotan, Xiaotan", commonly known a...
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After the Chinese sanxian was introduced into Ryukyu, it developed into three lines; after the three lines were introduced into Japan, it developed into shamisen. In Japan, there is a habit of referring to "shamisen" as "sanxian". Sanxian is an indispensable instrument for traditional folk arts such as Northern Drum Book and Suzhou Pingtan. In Nanguan music, it is one of the upper four wi...
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