2022 Anhui Chinese Association Examination Area (Summer Vacation) Online Exam Registration Guide

737 views · Organized by 没头脑 on 2022-05-31

Dear candidates and parents of candidates:

The Anhui Musicians Association is the examination organizer of the Chinese Musicians Association. In order to thoroughly implement the Party Central Committee's deployment of coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and to meet the needs of parents, teachers, and candidates, and in combination with the current epidemic prevention and control in our province In order to control the situation and report to the Grade Examination Committee of the Chinese Musicians Association for approval, the 2022 summer grade examination in Anhui Province will be conducted online (video upload). The 2022 summer exam registration guideline is now announced as follows:

1. The major and level of the entrance examination

Exam majors: piano, violin, accordion, electronic organ (single and double keys), saxophone, clarinet, flute, erhu, lute, guzheng, adult singing, children's singing, classical guitar, snare drum, jazz drum, trumpet, Music listening, dulcimer, flute, horn, trombone.

Level: Musical Instruments, Singing 1-10, Music Listening 1-5.

Note: ① Please refer to the WeChat public account of the Chinese Musicians Association for the requirements of the professional examinations of the Chinese Musicians Association - "Chinese Musicians Association 2022 Summer Music Examination Subjects and Related Requirements" or the official website of the Chinese Musicians Association.

②The 2022 summer piano grade test can only use the "National Piano Performance Test Work Collection (New Second Edition)" (edited by the Music Grade Test Committee of the Chinese Musicians Association, editor-in-chief: Wu Ying People's Music Publishing House). Stop using the textbook "National Piano Performance Test Work Collection (New First Edition)" (edited by the Music Grading Committee of the Chinese Musicians Association, Editor-in-Chief: Zhou Mingsun, published by Dazhong Literature and Art Publishing House).

③The new edition of "National Electic Organ (Electronic Organ) Performance Grading Collection (New Third Set)" (edited by the Music Grading Committee of the Chinese Musicians Association, editor-in-chief: Lu Xiaoou, Zhu Lei, published by the People's Music Publishing House) and The old edition of "National Electone Grading Works Collection" (edited by the Music Grading Committee of the Chinese Musicians Association, the Chinese Musicians Association Electronic Piano Society, Executive Editor: Zhu Lei, published by Shanghai Music Press) textbook, jointly used in 2022, will be published in 2023 Older textbooks are no longer used. Candidates can choose a set of the above textbooks when taking the grade test, and they cannot cross-choose when selecting repertoires.

2. Registration area (please register according to the place where you belong)

Hefei, Bengbu, Chuzhou, Anqing, Huaibei, Huainan, Xuancheng, Lu'an, Huangshan, Wuhu, Chizhou, Tongling, Bozhou, Suzhou, Ma'anshan

3. Registration method and time

(1) How to apply

The official designated mobile phone registration terminal of the Anhui Examination District Office: Scan the QR code on the mobile phone WeChat to download the 4Hand APP, enter the "Music Grading Test", and start the registration.

(2) Registration time

June 20-July 20, 2022 (24-hour online registration)

4. Registration fee and payment method

1. Registration fee: The fees charged for the examination will be notified separately before registration.

2. Payment method: Online payment (WeChat)

5. Query (print) the admission ticket

Please log in to the 4Hand APP on your mobile phone from August 1st to August 10th, 2022 to inquire or print the admission ticket.

6. Upload video time

August 15-August 30, 2022 (The specific upload time will be shown on the admission ticket)

Candidates must log in to the system to record and upload the video of the test within the specified time.

7. Precautions for uploading videos

(1) Video recording

1) Equipment requirements: You can only use a mobile phone or tablet smart terminal to log in to the online grading system to record and upload. In order to ensure a smooth video recording process, please ensure that the network is unobstructed, the light is sufficient, the shooting equipment is free from interference, the memory is sufficient, and the battery is sufficient.

2) Video parameters: Please use the designated test system for video recording. The video format is MP4, the resolution is above 720P, the frame rate is above 30fps, and no more than 180M per minute.

3) Shooting requirements: Panoramic horizontal screen recording, in a fixed camera position (appropriate distance), candidates must face the camera to ensure that the performance, singer and musical instruments are clearly visible, the uploaded video (including images and audio) must not be edited, It is not allowed to use any amplification equipment, and it must be recorded at the same time, and the audio and video synchronization is strictly required.

4) Candidate requirements: Candidates must enter the mirror alone, without hats or accessories, and keep their faces clear. The background of the video recording is single, only the candidates can appear, and there can be no interference from irrelevant objects.

5) Requirements for performance (singing): Each major must be recorded separately according to the relevant examination requirements of the grade-examination textbooks (such as: recording a video for basic exercises, recording a video for etudes, recording a video for music, etc.), and each video must not be recorded during the recording process. Switch the screen, do not interrupt the recording before completion, and no sound or picture unrelated to the grade test may appear in the recorded video. Candidates must perform from memory (sing).

6) Announcement requirements: Each video needs to be announced. Before starting the performance (singing), candidates must face the camera phone or tablet smart terminal, and they need to completely fill the human-shaped frame of the shooting interface with their faces during the announcement, so as to realize computer face recognition and clearly report their name, major, level and level. After the track name, performance (singing) recording starts.

2022 Anhui Chinese Association Examination Area (Summer Vacation) Online Exam Registration Guide

7) Within the specified time, candidates log in to the system to record, and the time for a single entry into the recording state (depending on the major and level) is about 30-60 minutes. If the recording is not completed after the timeout, the system will automatically shut down. When the system is automatically shut down or manually shut down, the recorded content will not be retained. You need to log in to the system again and re-record all the test content (up to 3 times). After the recording is completed, it will be uploaded uniformly and cannot be changed after uploading.

8) Candidates for electronic keyboard instruments must log in to the system within the specified time, randomly select test questions from the system question bank, complete "sight reading" or "arrange accompaniment" as required, and record and upload videos of other test content at the same time.

9) The basic practice requires that the grade-examination majors who are randomly checked must log in to the system within the specified time, and randomly select questions from the system question bank for video recording and upload.

10) Listening shooting requirements: Two mobile phones are required for music listening. One mobile phone is used to log in to the grading system to read the questions, and the other mobile phone enters the system to complete the video recording and uploading of the grading process.

Note: Please complete the test and recording according to the system prompts. After entering the system, music listening test takers must first view the test process demonstration video of the level they applied for, practice the mock test questions, and understand the test rules. Exam content, and record and upload video.

(2) Upload process

Within the specified time, candidates log in to the online grade test system and upload the test video as required. After the video is uploaded, the system will perform face recognition. After the recognition is passed, the screen will show that the upload is successful; if the face recognition fails, the screen will show that the upload failed and need to be re-recorded Upload the video (if it has not been uploaded successfully, please contact customer service).

(3) Special reminder

1) The photo submitted for registration must be a clear and recent standard ID photo electronic version color photo larger than 100K. This photo will also be used to produce the grade test certificate. Candidates are requested to attach great importance to submitting an electronic version of the photo that meets the requirements.

2) When candidates register online, they need to collect personal identity information in the registration system. After the candidates upload the video of the test, the system will perform face recognition on the personal information and the uploaded video. If the person does not perform (sing), the uploaded video is invalid.

3) Candidates who commit fraud during the grade test will be disqualified from the grade test and will be dealt with seriously.

4) Regarding the major and level to apply for, please seek the advice of the instructor in advance, choose the appropriate major and level according to your actual level, and fill in the report carefully. After successful registration, you cannot change the major or level, and no refunds will be given.

5) When filling in the registration information online, candidates’ names (including pinyin), gender, date of birth, certificate type and number (pay attention to uppercase and lowercase letters), parents’ correspondence addresses, telephone numbers, etc. must be detailed and clear, and the responsibility for errors should be at their own risk.

6) Failure to upload the video within the specified time will be regarded as absent and no refund will be given.

7) After the recording is completed, please preview the completed video, and click submit as soon as possible after confirming that it is correct.

8. Review

In mid-to-late September 2022, the Organizing Committee will arrange for the examiners to make a unified assessment. According to the relevant examination requirements of the examination materials, according to the candidates' application level, the assessment will be based on their basic skills, speed, and understanding and expression of the work.

9. Score query

1. Candidates can log in to the government service platform in late November, click on the "Registration" - "Personal Registration" column at the top of the homepage to enter their mobile phone number, and after the real-name authentication is completed, click "I want to check" - "Social Art Level Test Score Query" ”, or download the “Cultural, Tourism and Government Affairs” mobile APP on your mobile phone, and check the results after real-name registration.

2. At the same time, you can also log in to the 4Hand APP for inquiries.

10. Time for mailing grade certificate

1. The preliminary mailing time of the 2022 summer vacation grade test certificate in Anhui test area: late December.

2. Those who have not taken the test and failed to pass the test will be refunded 20 yuan for the certificate fee and 12 yuan for the courier fee (the refund period is from January 1, 2023 to March 31, for a period of three months). Please call the Anhui test area for refunds. Office, all candidates are requested to inform each other without further notice. The latest information about the grading test will be announced on the official website of the Anhui Musicians Association and the WeChat public account.

Tel: 0551-62888233

Music Grade Examination Committee of China Musicians Association

Anhui Examination District Office

May 16, 2022

Involving musical instruments

Pipa (pinyin: pí pa), the first plucked instrument, is a traditional plucked instrument in East Asia, a plucked stringed musical instrument. Made of wood or bamboo, the speaker is half-pear-shaped and has four strings on the top. It was originally made of silk thread, but now it is mostly made of steel wire, steel rope and nylon.
Dizi (pinyin: dí zi), also known as the horizontal flute, is generally used as an important musical instrument to accompany opera.
Guzheng (pinyin: Gǔ Zhēng), also known as Hanzheng and Qinzheng, is an ancient national musical instrument of the Han nationality and is popular all over China. It is often used for solo, duet, instrumental ensemble and accompaniment of song and dance, opera and folk art. Because of its wide range, beautiful timbre, rich playing skills and strong expressiveness, it is known as the "King of Music", also known as "Oriental Piano", and is one of the unique and important national musical instruments in China.
Yangqin (Pinyin: YangQin) was introduced from Persia at the end of the Ming Dynasty. It was originally used as an accompaniment for folk art and formed a variety of genres. After nearly 400 years of circulation and evolution in my country, dulcimer has traditional Chinese characteristics and national styles in musical instrument production, performance art or music creation, and combined with local folk music, it has formed a number of outstanding A genre with local and musical characteristics.
Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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